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Below is a list of previous Version 6 program revisions with added or updated topics in the WorkWORLD Help/Information System. These changes were necessitated by the ongoing maintenance and enhancements implemented in each version of the WorkWORLD software. The changes are listed by release version of the software, with newer releases first and older releases following in reverse chronological order.
NOTE: See the Changes in this Version topic to see what's new in this release.
Added the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) topic.
Updated several Food Stamp Program topics and internal tables used in calculations with new annual information for Federal Fiscal Year 2007 (beginning October 1, 2006), including Food Stamp Benefit Levels, Food Stamp Income Tests, and Food Stamp Sample Calculations.
Added the Food Stamps - Combat Pay Exclusion topic.
Updated the Food Stamps - Resource (Asset) Test topic with current information.
Updated the Food Stamp State Application Forms Online topic with current information.
Updated the Food Stamp State Information/Hotline Numbers topic with current information.
Updated the Glossary of SSA Terminology - English-Spanish topics and Glossary of SSA Terminology - Spanish-English with current information.
Added the Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines - 2006 topic.
Updated the Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines - Overview topic with current information.
Updated the Randolph-Sheppard Program topic with current information.
Updated the SSA Red Book topic with current information and internal copy of the 2006 SSA Red Book, English Edition (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).
Added the State Councils on Developmental Disabilities topic.
Updated the State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) topic with current information.
Updated the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies topic with current information.
Fixed broken links in the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program - Summary Presentation topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Added the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) topic.
Updated the US Program and Agency Resource Links topic with current information.
Updated many Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Education and Training topics with current information and rates, including MGIB-AD, MGIB-SR, VEAP, and DEA.
Added the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) topic.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Vocational Rehabilitation Rates topic with Federal Fiscal Year 2007 rates.
Updated the WIC - Contact Information topic and also updated associated State WIC contacts list external data file.
Updated the WIC - Income Requirement topic with current program year data.
Updated the Alabama SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Alabama Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Arizona SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Colorado SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Colorado Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Connecticut SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Connecticut Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Delaware Child Care Subsidy - Income Limits topic with current information.
Updated the Delaware Child Care Subsidy - Provider Payment Rates topic with current fiscal year information.
Updated the Delaware Disabilities Law Program topic with current information.
Updated the Delaware DSS - Policy Manual topic with online availability link.
Added the Delaware Expanded Categorical Eligibility - Food Stamps topic.
Updated the Delaware Medicaid - Spousal Impoverishment - Long Term Care topic with current information.
Updated the Delaware Note - Eligible for Food Stamps topic to indicate archival status.
Updated the Delaware Note - Zero Allotment but Otherwise Eligible for Food Stamps topic to indicate archival status.
Updated the Delaware Resource Test Exception - Food Stamps topic with current information.
Updated the Delaware TANF - Income Limits topic and internal tables with current information.
Updated the Delaware Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Florida SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Georgia Independent Living Councils topic with current information.
Updated the Georgia Protection and Advocacy Services topic with current information.
Fixed broken links in the Georgia ShepherdCare Demonstration Project topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the Georgia Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Idaho SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Illinois SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Illinois Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Indiana SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Iowa Protection and Advocacy Services topic with current information.
Updated the Iowa SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Iowa Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Kansas Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Kentucky SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Louisiana SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Louisiana Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Maine SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Maine Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Maryland SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) Area Offices topic with current information.
Updated the Massachusetts Disability Law Center topic with current information.
Updated the Massachusetts Insurance Partnership topics with new categorical and financial eligibility information.
Updated the Massachusetts MassHealth Income Limits topic with current information.
Fixed broken links in the Massachusetts Medical Assistance - Overview topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Eligibility Standards - Exempt Assistance Units topic with current information.
Updated the Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Eligibility Standards - Non-Exempt Assistance Units topic with current information.
Updated the Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Need Standards - Exempt Assistance Units topic with current information.
Updated the Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Need Standards - Non-Exempt Assistance Units topic with current information.
Updated the Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Payment Standards - Exempt Assistance Units topic with current information.
Updated the Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Payment Standards - Non-Exempt Assistance Units topic with current information.
Updated the Massachusetts Veterans' Services - Women Veterans' Health Benefits topic with current information.
Updated the Michigan SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Minnesota SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Missouri SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Missouri Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Montana SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Montana Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Nebraska SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Nevada Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the New Hampshire SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the New Hampshire Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the New Mexico SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the North Carolina SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the North Dakota SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the North Dakota Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Ohio SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Oklahoma Aging Services - Area Agencies on Aging topic with current information.
Updated the Oklahoma Aging Services - Caregiver Initiative topic with current information.
Updated the Oklahoma Aging Services - Community Relations topic with current information.
Updated the Oklahoma Aging Services - Legal Support topic with current information.
Updated the Oklahoma Aging Services - Legal Support topic with current information.
Updated the Oklahoma Aging Services - Long-Term Ombudsman Program topic with current information.
Fixed many broken links in the Oklahoma Benefit Information System topics caused by state making URL changes on DHS website with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the Oklahoma Business Leadership Network topic with current data.
Updated the Oklahoma Client Assistance Program topic with current data.
Updated the Oklahoma Disability Law Center topic with current information.
Updated the Oregon SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Oregon Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Rhode Island Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Financial Eligibility topic with current information.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Optional State Supplementation (OSS) Overview topic with current information.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Partners for Healthy Children topic with current information.
Updated and fixed broken links in the South Carolina Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc. topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Adult Day Care - Adult Services and Aging topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the South Dakota Advocacy Services topic with current information.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Benefit Information System (SDBIS) - Welcome and Introduction topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Career Centers - Employer Services topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Career Centers - Overview topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Developmental Disability (DD) - Definition topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated and fixed broken links in the South Dakota Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (ADA) - Overview topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota DSS - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota HCBWS - Medical Assistance - Elderly Individuals topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota HCBWS - Medical Assistance - Individuals with Developmental Disabilities topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota HCBWS - Medical Assistance - Individuals with Quadriplegia topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Personal Care - Adult Services and Aging topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Respite Care - Adult Services and Aging topiccaused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Veterans Employment Services topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the South Dakota Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current data.
Updated the Tennessee Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current information and rates.
Updated the Texas SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Utah SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Utah Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current information and rates.
Updated the Vermont Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current information and rates.
Updated the Virginia Assistive Technology Assessments topic with current information.
Updated the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities topic with current information.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic with current information.
Updated the Virginia ICF/MR - VA Dept of Health topic with current information.
Updated the Virginia Industries for the Blind (VIB) topic with current information.
Enhanced the Virginia Medicaid Program coverage by incorporating new and improved program calculations, revising many existing Help/Information System topics and adding new topics such as Virginia Medicaid - Extended LIFC, Virginia Medicaid Relatives of a Specified Degree, and Virginia Medicaid - Persons Essential to Well-Being, and adding additional Text Results including Virginia Alert - Ineligible for QDWI because of No Earnings, Virginia Alert - Ineligible for QMB, SLMB, QI or QDWI because of Income, Virginia Alert - Losing SSI May Affect Others' Medicaid Eligibility, and Virginia Alert - Losing SSI May Affect Spouse's Medicaid Eligibility.
Updated the Virginia Medically Needy Income Levels topic and internal table with current income limits data.
Updated the Virginia Nursing Homes - VDH topic with current information.
Updated the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy (VOPA) topic with current information.
Updated the Virginia Olmstead Plan topic with current information.
Revised the Virginia Question: Medicaid Eligibility by providing a more focused explanation and changing topic name from VA Question: Receiving Medicaid.
Updated the Virginia SSI State Supplement topic and internal table with corrected 2006 data.
Updated the Virginia Standards of Assistance topic and internal table with current income limits data.
Added complete coverage of the Virginia Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program with calculations of eligibility and benefits, incorporating new internal data tables, associated questions, text results, numeric results, and Help/Information System topics.
Updated the Virginia Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current information and rates.
Updated the Washington SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Washington Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current information and rates.
Updated the West Virginia Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current information.
Updated the Wisconsin SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Wyoming SSI State Supplement topic with current data.
Updated the Wyoming Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current information and rates.
Made significant changes in program operation to improve ease of use:
· When users change the answer to a question (either in the Current Situation or in a "What-If" situation) other questions whose answer may change are automatically re-opened. We call the questions that re-open "dependent questions."
For example: If users change the amount of disability-related work expenses, then dependent questions about amounts included in Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWEs) or Blind Work Expenses (BWEs) re-open.
· When dependent questions re-open, their default answers are re-calculated automatically when appropriate.
For example: When users change the amount of their disability-related work expenses, the default for the IRWE or BWE question that re-opens takes into account the change in expenses.
· In WorkWORLD's Housing (Section 8) section, income and expense questions have been added so that users in families who live in Section 8 housing answer separately about their own and others' income and expenses. (Previously, users in families entered amounts for their entire families.) This change allows WorkWORLD to re-calculate defaults for re-opened dependent questions without losing information about the amounts for others in their families.
For example: When users who are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients, and who are in families with Section 8 housing, change the answer in WorkWORLD's SSI/DI section about the amount of their monthly earnings, the Housing section questions about their earned and unearned annual income re-open. The default for the earned income is their monthly earned income times twelve; and the default for unearned income takes into account the change in the calculated SSI amount caused by the earnings change. The questions about the income amounts of others in their family do not re-open automatically.
Added new Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage - Overview, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage - Frequently Asked Questions, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage - Interaction With Other Programs, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage - Extra Help With Costs, and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage - Glossary topics.
Added new SSA Disability Determination - New Approach topic and notes about it in related topics: SSI/DI Application Information, SSA Disability Determination Process, Flow Of Cases Through The SSA Disability Process, and SSA Appeals Process.
Added new Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) Report question and corresponding context-sensitive Help topic, and Alert Text Result that prompt user to obtain Benefits Planning Query (BPQY).
Added new Medigap Policies (Medicare Supplement Insurance) - Overview and Medigap Policies (Medicare Supplement Insurance) - Glossary topics.
Added new State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) topic.
Added new State Pharmacy Assistance Program (SPAP) topic.
Added new Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines - Overview topic.
Added new Names of State Food Stamp Programs topic.
Updated the Federal Poverty Guidelines topic by adding the 2006 table, related figures, and new 2006 All States (Except Alaska and Hawaii) and DC, Alaska, and Hawaii external data file containing tables with various percentage multiples, added links to original Federal Register publications, and updated internal tables used in calculations with the new figures.
Updated internal table of Section 8 Income Limits for all localities in all states with data from HUD effective 03/06/2006.
Updated internal Food Stamp Standard Utility Allowance tables for AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, ID, HI, IL, KS, MD, MS, NE, NV, NJ, NM, OH, PA, TX, UT, VT, WA, and WY based on 03/30/2006 data from USDA.
Updated the Summary of VA Benefits pamphlet external data file used in the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Overview topic, to version revised 12/2005.
Revised the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Home Loan Guaranties topic to fix broken links and add new information.
Revised and updated the US Program and Agency Resource Links topic to fix broken links and add new information.
Updated the Glossary topic with links to new terminology topics.
Updated the Employment Network Outcome/Milestone Payment Amounts - TWWIIA topic with new amounts for 2006.
Updated the WIC - Contact Information topic and also updated associated State WIC contacts list external data file.
Updated the SSA Handbook topic with current information.
Updated the Glossary of SSA Terminology - English-Spanish and Glossary of SSA Terminology - Spanish-English topics to reflect update of external data file.
Revised and updated the US Program and Agency Resource Links topic.
Updated the Workers' Compensation Summary - Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA) topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the Social Security Administration Forms topic with updated external form file.
Fixed broken links in the Area Work Incentives Coordinator (AWIC), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Employment Network (EN), HIPAA - Insurance Reform Overview, Intermediate Care Facility for People with Mental Retardation (ICF/MR), LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Medicare Drug Discount Card, Medicare Prescription Drug Subsidy, Student Earned Income Exclusion, Student Earned Income Exclusion Amount, State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Montgomery GI Bill (Active Duty), Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Montgomery GI Bill (Selected Reserve), Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA), Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Vocational Rehabilitation Rates, and Veterans Of Foreign Wars (VFW) topics caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Revised and clarified wording in Alert: Keeping Medicaid (Spousal Deeming) and Alert: SSI Eligibility Lost Because of Deemed Spousal Income topics.
Updated and revised the Food Stamp State Application Forms Online topic with current information.
Updated and revised the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies topic with new information.
Updated federally administered SSI State Supplement topics with 2006 figures for California, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Fixed broken links in the Colorado Workers' Compensation Summary, Georgia Client Assistance Program (CAP), Georgia Right from the Start Medicaid, Georgia Veterans' Benefits, Georgia Women's Health Medicaid Program, Iowa Public Housing, Kentucky Workers' Compensation Summary, Massachusetts Child Care - Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions, Massachusetts Child Care for Special Populations, Massachusetts Child Care - Program Types, Massachusetts Employment Services Program Child Care, Massachusetts Income Eligible Child Care Subsidy, Massachusetts Supportive Child Care, Massachusetts Teen Parent Child Care Services, Massachusetts Trial Court Child Care, South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Locations, and South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Overview topics caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the Alaska State SSI Supplement topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the Alaska Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 figures.
Revised the Arizona Workers' Compensation Summary topic.
Added the Delaware ASSIST - Application for Social Services and Internet Screening Tool topic, and added links to it from a number of other topics.
Added the Delaware Helpline topic to provide more detail than the existing blurbs, and added links to it from a number of other topics.
Added the Delaware Division of State Service Centers - Office Locations topic and links in associated topics.
Added the Delaware Kinship Care Transitional Resource Program topic.
Revised the Delaware IDA - Financial Eligibility topic with FPL guideline information.
Updated internal tables with new Delaware rates effective 4/1/2006 and 7/1/2006.
Updated the Delaware Medicaid - Income Limits - FPL-Related topic with 2006 rates, and associated topics with effective dates.
Updated the Delaware State SSI Supplement topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families (DSCYF) topic with current URLs in links.
Fixed broken links in the Delaware Elderly/Disabled Reduced Fare Transportation, Delaware Transportation Services Overview, and Delaware Welfare-to-Work Transportation Programs topics caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Revised and updated the District of Columbia Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the Georgia Medicaid Financial Eligibility topic by adding new external 2006 eligibility tables.
Updated the Georgia PeachCare for Kids - Medical Insurance topic with current information.
Revised and updated the Georgia Right from the Start Medicaid topic with current information and links.
Revised and updated the Georgia Women's Health Medicaid Program topic with current information.
Updated the Illinois Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the Oklahoma State SSI Supplement topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the Child Care Eligibility/Rates Schedule external data file used in Oklahoma Child Care Assistance topics, to version revised 02/01/2006.
Updated the Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards external data file used in many Oklahoma Medicaid, Oklahoma State Supplemental Payment, and Oklahoma TANF topics, to version revised 04/01/2006.
Revised the Oklahoma SoonerCare - Eligibility Overview topic for greater clarity.
Fixed broken links in the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Eligibility, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Guardianship Assistance, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Locations, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Overview, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Residential Programs Overview topics caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Summary topic caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the South Carolina State SSI Supplement topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 figures.
Revised and updated the South Dakota Experience Works - Senior Workforce Solutions and South Dakota Geezer.com topics to reflect the artisans program's discontinuance.
Revised and updated the South Dakota Black Hills Special Services Cooperative (BHSSC) topic, and incorporated it and associated topics into table of contents.
Revised and updated the South Dakota DSS - Rx Access (Medication Assistance) topic to reflect operation of new SD RxAccess.sd.gov website.
Updated the South Dakota SSI State Supplement topic with 2006 rates.
Fixed broken links in the South Dakota Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) - Overview, South Dakota Community Training Services (CTS) - DD Program, South Dakota Experience Works - Senior Workforce Solutions, South Dakota Long Term Care - Medical Assistance Overview, South Dakota Medicaid for Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries, South Dakota Medicare-Related Medicaid - Countable Income, South Dakota Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), and South Dakota Transitional Medical Benefits topics caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the Texas State SSI Supplement topic with 2006 figures.
Updated and revised the Virgin Islands Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new information.
Added the 2-1-1 Virginia topic.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic.
Revised and updated the Virginia HIPP - Health Insurance Premium Payment Program - Medicaid topic with new FAMIS Select information.
Revised and updated the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy (VOPA) topic.
Added the Virginians with Disabilities Act (VDA) topic.
Updated the Virginia Olmstead Plan topic with new information from 2006, and fixed broken links caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Fixed broken links in the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities, Virginia Business Leadership Network, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS), Virginia Medicaid Overview, Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS), Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices, and Virginia DRS Brain Injury Direct Services Fund (BIDS) topics caused by URL changes with no corresponding forwarding.
Revised and updated the West Virginia Workers' Compensation Summary topic to reflect abolishment of the state Workers' Compensation Commission and replacement of it with the new employers' mutual insurance company called BrickStreet Mutual Insurance Company.
Updated the Wisconsin Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 figures.
Updated the Wyoming Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 Quarter 2 figures.
Resolved two problems that were experienced by some users of Version 6.40: incomplete printing of text results in all situations, and failure to ask certain input questions when Delaware was the selected state of residence.
Updated the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) topic with new rates for 2006.
Completely revised the EITC - Qualifying Children topic due to changes effective for the 2005 tax year (2006 filing period) based on the Working Families Tax Relief Act.
Updated and revised many Medicaid topics with newly available information, including Medicaid - Overview, Medicaid - Eligibility, Medicaid - Scope of Services, Medicaid - Amount and Duration of Services, Medicaid - Payment for Services, Medicaid - Data Summary and Trends, and Relationship of Medicaid and Medicare.
Updated the Social Security Administration Forms topic with new internal copies of Plan for Achieving Self-Support (SSA-545, revised 11/2005) and Application for a Social Security Card (SS-5, revised 12/2005).
Updated the Medicare Buy-In for People with Disabilities Who Work - SSDI topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Medicare Premiums, Deductibles, and Co-Insurance topic with 2006 rates, and updated corresponding internal tables.
Updated the Medicare - Financing, Liabilities, and Payments topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Getting Medicare Part B topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Arkansas Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Florida Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Hawaii Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Idaho Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Illinois Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Kentucky Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Maryland Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Michigan Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Mississippi Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the New Jersey Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the New Mexico Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Ohio Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Wyoming Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Oklahoma Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program - Income Limits, Oklahoma Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program - Contact Information, Oklahoma Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program - Resource Limits, and Oklahoma Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program - Application Procedures topics with revised URLs.
Updated and revised the Oklahoma Client Assistance Program topic.
Updated external data file used in Oklahoma Child Care Assistance topics, Child Care Rates/Eligibility Schedule, to version revised 12/01/2005.
Updated and revised the Oklahoma Disability Law Center topic.
Updated the Virginia Student Earned Income Exclusion - ABD Income Exclusion - Medicaid topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Working Disabled Financial Eligibility topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Virginia Aged, Blind, and Disabled Income Exclusions - Medicaid topic with 2006 data.
Updated the Student Earned Income Exclusion and Student Earned Income Exclusion Amount topics with 2006 rates, and updated corresponding internal tables.
Updated the Alert: Student Earned Income Exclusion and Alert: Student Earned Income Exclusion (Couple) topics with 2006 rates.
Updated the Trial Work Period topic with 2006 rates, and updated corresponding internal tables.
Updated the Countable Earnings - SSDI (Title II) topic with 2006 rates, and updated corresponding internal tables.
Updated the Substantial Gainful Activity topic with 2006 figures, and updated corresponding internal tables.
Updated portions of the SSI Glossary with 2006 COLA data where definitions used them as examples.
Verified and updated the Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Eligibility Standards - Exempt Assistance Units, Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Eligibility Standards - Non-Exempt Assistance Units, Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Need Standards - Exempt Assistance Units, Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Need Standards - Nonexempt Assistance Units, Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Payment Standards - Exempt Assistance Units, and Massachusetts TAFDC - Table of Payment Standards - Nonexempt Assistance Units topics.
Updated the Iowa SSI Federal Benefit Rate topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the SSA Red Book topic with amount adjustments for 2006.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Working Disabled Program Overview topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Delaware Medicaid - Long Term Care Financial Eligibility topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Delaware Medicaid - Spousal Impoverishment - Long Term Care topic with 2006 rates.
Updated the Federal Benefit Rate - SSI topic with 2006 COLA rates, and updated corresponding internal tables.
Updated the Medicaid Per Capita Average Expenditures topic with 2005 expenditure data used in computation of calendar year 2006 thresholds.
Updated the Medicaid Per Capita Average Expenditures - Previous Years topic by adding 2004 historical amounts table.
Updated the Virginia Auxiliary Grant Personal Allowance topic with 2006 rate.
Updated the Virginia SSI State Supplement topic with 2006 rates, and updated corresponding internal tables.
Updated the Delaware Medicaid - Employment and Eligibility topic to remove specific amount and replace with link to current and historical 1619(b) threshold amount topics.
Updated the Delaware Medicaid - Income Eligibility topic to remove specific amount and replace with link to current and historical 1619(b) threshold amount topics.
Updated the State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts topic with calendar year 2006 amounts, and updated corresponding internal tables.
Added the archival State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts - 2005 topic.
Updated the Massachusetts Veterans' Services - Overview topic.
Added the Massachusetts Veterans' Services - Public Assistance topic.
Updated the Massachusetts Veterans' Services - Local Veterans' Agents topic.
Expanded and updated the Massachusetts Veterans' Services - Eligible Veterans topic, and added new corresponding external data file.
Added the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Geographic Means Test Thresholds (GMT) topic.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Health Care topic with information effective January 2006.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Amount topic with rates effective 12/01/2005.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Death Pension Amount topic with rates effective 12/01/2005.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Women Vietnam Veterans' Children With Birth Defects topic with rates effective 12/01/2005.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Spina Bifida Allowance topic with rates effective 12/01/2005.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Disability Pension topic with rates effective 12/05.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Other Disability Benefits topic with rates effective 12/05.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Improved Pension Amount topic with rates effective 12/05.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Disability Compensation Amount topic with rates effective 12/05.
Updated the State of Residence topic.
Updated Iowa Eligibility For Benefits Desk Aid topic with external data file dated 10/05.
Updated the WIC - Contact Information topic with new data.
Revised the Welcome to the Virginia Benefit Information System (VABIS) topic by adding bulleted item with Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DDHH) Programs.
Improved the WorkWORLD Program Installation routine for enhanced compatibility with client machines on networks.
Added the Changes in Previous Version 6 Releases topic.
Updated Delaware Child Care Subsidy - Provider Payment Rates topic with new rates effective 10/1/2005.
Updated Delaware TANF - Income Limits topic with new limits effective 10/1/2005.
Updated Delaware Child Care Subsidy - Income Limits topic with new limits effective 10/1/2005.
Updated external data files Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 10/01/2005 and Oklahoma Appendix C-4, Child Care Rates/Eligibility Schedule, to version revised 9/01/2005.
Added many context-specific Delaware Medicaid topics along with customized calculations, questions, and text results in program for DE Medicaid eligibility and benefits.
Updated the SGA - SSDI (Title II) and SGA before Final Determination of SSDI Eligibility topics by adding notes to clarify that SGA is always determined without regard to timing issues.
Revised Numerical Results topic to explain new feature in program that displays deeming information.
Updated Massachusetts Energy Assistance Programs - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Income Eligibility Chart topic with 2005-2006 rates.
Updated Massachusetts Food Stamps - Categorical Eligibility Income Standards topic with new rates effective 10/1/2005.
Updated many federal Food Stamp Program topics with new FY 06 rates and data, including Food Stamp Benefit Levels, Food Stamp Resource Tests, Food Stamp Income Tests, Food Stamp Sample Calculations, Vehicles (Federal Rules) - Food Stamps, Vehicles (State Rules) - Food Stamps, and Food Stamp State Information/Hotline Numbers. Also updated internal tables used in program Food Stamp calculations.
Updated many SSI State Supplement topics with data released by SSA in September 2005, including topics for Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Education and Training topics with rates effective FY 06, including Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Montgomery GI Bill (Active Duty), Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Montgomery GI Bill (Selected Reserve), and Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA).
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Vocational Rehabilitation Rates topic with rates effective FY 06.
Updated the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current rates.
Updated the Connecticut Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current rates.
Updated the Massachusetts Workers' Compensation Summary, Massachusetts Workers' Compensation - Maximum and Minimum Benefits Table (§34 and §34A Claims), and Massachusetts Workers' Compensation - Statewide Average Weekly Wage topics with current rates.
Updated the Massachusetts MassHealth Income Limits topic with current rates.
Updated South Carolina Family Independence Program - Overview, South Carolina Family Independence Program - Applicant and Benefit Group, and South Carolina Family Independence Program - Application Procedures topics to fix arbitrarily changed URLs with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Specialized Foster Care, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - HCBW Overview, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - HCBW Eligibility, Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - HCBW In-Home Support Eligibility, and Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - HCBW ICF/MR Eligibility topics to fix arbitrarily changed URLs with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated Virginia Assistive Loan Fund Authority (ATLFA) and Virginia Assistive Technology Assessments topics to fix arbitrarily changed URLs with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated Georgia Tools for Life and Georgia Workers' Compensation Summary topics to fix arbitrarily changed URLs with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated the Delaware Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current rates.
Updated Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic to fix arbitrarily changed URLs with no corresponding forwarding.
Updated and revised the Hawaii Workers' Compensation Summary topic with current rates.
Revised the Medicare - Coverage topic.
Revised and updated the Texas Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new information and rates effective 9/1/2005.
Updated the Rhode Island Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates effective 9/1/2005.
Updated the Louisiana Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates effective 9/1/2005.
Added the new Virginia Recommendation - Loss of AG Medicaid because of Earnings context-specific topic and program Text Result.
Updated and revised the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) topic with note about revised SSA regulations concerning exclusion of resources.
Updated and revised the Individual Development Account (IDA) - Overview topic with note about revised SSA regulations concerning exclusions of various forms of income and resources.
Updated the Individual Development Account (IDA) - State Differences topic with new 2005 external data file.
Updated and revised the SSI Resources - Definition, SSI Resources - Countable Resources, SSI Resources - Exclusions, SSI Unearned Income - Exclusions, and Over/Under Payment topics with notes about revised SSA regulations concerning exclusions of various forms of income and resources.
Updated and revised the Veterans Service Organizations - Overview topic.
Updated and revised the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) - Overview topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Eligibility topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Locations topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - HCBW Services topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - HCBW Eligibility topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - HCBW Waiting List topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - HCBW Overview topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Application Procedures topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services Overview topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Residential Programs Overview topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Guardianship Assistance topic.
Updated and revised the Virginia Standards of Assistance topic with data effective 7/1/2005.
Updated and revised the Virginia Medically Needy Income Levels topic with data effective 7/1/2005.
Updated the Virginia Medicaid Resource Exclusions topic.
Updated the Virginia Medicaid Co-Payments topic.
Updated the Virginia Medicaid Buy-In topic.
Updated the Virginia Transition Services - School topic.
Updated the Virginia Special Education Overview topic.
Updated the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) topic.
Updated the Virginia Women, Infants, and Children's Program (WIC) topic.
Updated the Virginia DRS Rehabilitative Services Incentive Fund (RSIF) topic.
Updated the Virginia DRS Centers for Independent Living (CILs) topic.
Updated the Virginia DRS Supported Employment topic.
Updated the Virginia DRS Financial Participation in Cost of Services topic.
Updated and revised the Virginia DRS Order of Selection topic.
Updated the Virginia DRS Eligibility for Services topic.
Updated the Virginia Auxiliary Grant Personal Allowance topic.
Updated the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) topic.
Updated and revised the Virginia Olmstead Plan topic.
Updated the Plan for Achieving Self-Support topic.
Revised and updated the SSI Work Incentive - 1619(a) topic.
Added Virginia Medicaid Income Limits data in internal tables for period 07/01/2005 to 06/30/2006.
Updated the Wyoming Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Wisconsin Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Washington Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Virginia Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Vermont Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Utah Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Tennessee Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) Offices topic.
Updated the Oregon Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the North Dakota Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the New Hampshire Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Missouri Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Maine Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Kansas Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Iowa Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Illinois Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Georgia Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the Colorado Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated the California Workers' Compensation Summary topic.
Updated the Alabama Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates.
Updated many South Dakota Department of Labor (DOL) topics to account for reorganization of DOL website without corresponding URL forwarding.
Updated the South Dakota Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates and revised URLs.
Updated the Georgia Energy Assistance - Home Heating and Weatherization topic with revised URLs.
Updated the Food Stamp State Application Forms Online topic with revised URLs.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Partners for Healthy Children topic with new income limits.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Financial Eligibility topic with new income limits.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Overview topic with revised URLs and new external data file with coverage information.
Updated the South Carolina SSI State Supplement and Medicaid Program - Optional State Supplementation (OSS) Overview - South Carolina topics with new rates and revised URLs.
Added the Glossary - WIA and Unemployment topic, with internal English only, English-Spanish, and Spanish-English files.
Added the Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines - 2005 topic, and updated links in previous 2004 LLSIL and 2003 LLSIL topics.
Updated the LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program topic with revised URLs.
Added the Massachusetts Child Care - Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) topic, and revised most Massachusetts Child Care topics to account for the consolidation of the two former agencies, Office of Child Care Services (OCCS) and Early Learning Services Division at the Department of Education, into the new Department of Early Education and Care, effective July 1, 2005.
Updated the Virginia Nursing Homes - VDH topic with revised URLs.
Updated the Virginia ICF/MR - VA Dept of Health topic with revised URLs.
Updated the South Carolina Workforce Development - Overview topic with revised URLs.
Updated the South Carolina Workforce Development - One Stop Career Center Services topic with revised URLs.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Overview and Developmental Disabilities Services - Application Procedures topics with new community provider list URL.
Updated the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) topic with revised URLs.
Updated The Olmstead Decision topic with revised URLs.
Updated the Massachusetts MassHealth Overview, MassHealth Choosing a Health Plan, and MassHealth Basic topics with new member booklet URL effective 7/05.
Updated the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) - Overview topic with revised URLs.
Revised and updated the Georgia Child Care topic.
Updated many Virginia Medicaid topics with updated URLs.
Updated the Georgia Workforce Investment Act Programs topic with revised URLs.
Updated the Massachusetts Disability Law Center topic with revised URLs.
Updated many Massachusetts Unemployment Insurance topics with revised URLs.
Updated the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies topic.
Updated the South Carolina Child Care - ABC Special Needs Voucher Overview topic with revised URLs.
Updated the Virginia DMHMRSAS State Facilities topic with revised URLs.
Updated many Oklahoma Veterans Benefits topics with revised URLs.
Corrected the Table of Contents so that the Alert - Locate a Section 8 Rental Unit topic displays with Alerts rather than Recommendations.
Updated the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) - Overview topic with revised URLs.
Updated the Nevada Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new rates and revised URLs.
Updated the South Dakota BHSSC DakotaLink topic with revised URLs.
Updated the South Dakota Veterans Free Tuition topic with revised URLs.
Updated the Protection and Advocacy Systems - Overview topic with info about the National Disability Rights Network -- previously the National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems (NAPAS).
Updated the WIC - Contact Information topic with new data.
Updated Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic.
Updated Virginia SSI State Supplement topic with new rates effective July 1, 2005.
Added and integrated the entire South Dakota Benefit Information System (SDBIS) into WorkWORLD Help/Information system.
Updated Student Earned Income Exclusion calculations in program due to new eligibility expansion and related rules effective April 1, 2005. Also revised the following related topics: Age - SSI, Student, Head of Household, and Married - Living Apart from Spouse. Added Alert: Student Spousal Deemed Earned Income, Alert: Student Earned Income Exclusion, Alert: Student Earned Income Exclusion (Couple) and Alert: Keeping Medicaid (Spousal Deeming) context-specific topics. Revised Student Earned Income Exclusion Amount,Deeming Income from Spouse - Amount, SSI IRWE Amount, BWE Amount, Spouse's SSI IRWE Amount, Spouse BWE Amount, Recommendation: Try using an IRWE, Recommendation: Try using an IRWE for Spouse, Recommendation: Try using a BWE, and Recommendation: Try using a BWE for your Spouse context-specific topics. Deleted former "Recommendation: Try using a SEIE" context-specific topic.
Updated many SSI State Supplement topics from SSA Publication No. 13-11975 [latest edition available], State Assistance Programs for SSI Recipients, January 2004 (released April 2005).
Updated many SSI resources, unearned income, and in-kind support topics with notes explaining new rules concerning automobiles, household goods, and personal effects effective March 9, 2005.
Revised the Delaware DSS - Eligibility Re-determination topic with new interview waiver and reinstatement without new application waiver information.
Revised the Delaware Medicaid - Application Procedures topic with new reinstatement without new application waiver information.
Updated the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Reviewed, revised, and updated many Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits topics with 2005 information, and added the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Appeals topic.
Updated the Texas SSI State Supplement topic with 2005 data.
Updated the WIC - Income Requirement topic with new rates effective July 1, 2005.
Updated the Property Essential to Self-Support (PESS) - SSI topic with new information about the "trade or business" exclusion.
Updated the SSA Red Book topic and incorporated new 2005 external English and Spanish Red Book files.
Updated the Plan for Achieving Self-Support topic.
Added the Self-Employment and Small Business topic.
Updated Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS), DMHMRSAS Community Services Boards (CSB), and DMHMRSAS State Facilities topics due to URL changes without corresponding forwarding.
Added 2005 income limit tables to the Delaware Medicaid - Income Limits - FPL-Related topic, and updated related information in DE Medicaid - Medicare Related Medicaid, DE Medicaid - Pregnant Women, Infants and Children, DE Medicaid - Diamond State Health Plan, DE Healthy Children Program - DSS, DE Prescription Assistance Program - Overview, and DE Medicaid - Transitional topics.
Updated the Virginia Business Leadership Network topic.
Updated the Food Stamp State Application Forms Online topic.
Updated the Federal Poverty Guidelines topic and associated external files with new 2005 figures.
Updated the State Median Income topic with FY 2006 figures.
Updated SSI State Supplement topics with 2005 rates for District of Columbia, Hawaii, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.
Added the Customized Employment topic.
Updated the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) topic with new information about TAXfacts+.
Updated the Social Security Administration Forms topic with newly revised external forms.
Updated the Georgia Client Assistance Program (CAP) topic.
Updated external PDF file used in WIC - Contact Information topic with new version dated 04/29/2005.
Added the Intermediate Care Facility for People with Mental Retardation (ICF/MR) topic.
Updated the Wisconsin SSI State Supplement topic with 2005 rates.
Updated the Employment Network Outcome/Milestone Payment Amounts - TWWIIA topic with 2005 rates.
Updated the South Dakota SSI State Supplement topic with 2005 rates.
Added the Affirmative Action and People with Disabilities topic.
Updated the Idaho Workers' Compensation Summary topic with revised links.
Updated the Michigan Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the Georgia Medicaid Financial Eligibility topic with new 2005 eligibility external data file.
Updated the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the Massachusetts Transportation Resources - Overview and Transportation Resource Benefits Wizard topics due to MA website reorganization with no corresponding URL forwarding.
Added the WIA Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines - 2004 and Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) Guidelines - 2003 topics with information and data tables.
Updated the Ohio Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the District of Columbia Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic with current contact information.
Updated the Alaska Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the Massachusetts Disability Law Center topic.
Updated the Illinois Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the Florida Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the California SSI State Supplement topic with 2005 rates.
Updated the Arkansas Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Added the Supported Employment topic.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 04/01/2005.
Updated the Alaska SSI State Supplement topic with 2005 rates.
Updated the New York SSI State Supplement topic with 2005 rates.
Added the Access Virginia topic.
Added the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) topic.
Updated the US Program and Agency Resource Links topic by adding additional organizations.
Updated the Mississippi Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the Maryland Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the South Dakota Expanded Categorical Eligibility - Food Stamps topic.
Added the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (VEVRAA) topic.
Updated the Virginia SSI State Supplement topic to reflect rate changes effective January 1, 2005.
Updated Iowa Appendix RC-0018, Desk Aid for State Supplemental Assistance, and Iowa Appendix RC-0033, Eligibility for Iowa Benefits Desk Aid, to versions revised 11/2004 and 04/2005.
Performed comprehensive URL validation and updating.
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