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This topic provides links to a variety of national program resources that have state-specific information available on the Internet. The resources listed below typically link to a web page maintained by the indicated organization, which in turn provides links to individual web pages for each state with specific information.
This national topic allows you to easily find information about specific resources and compare it between states.
You can browse through the topic sequentially, or jump to a specific section by following the links below:
· 2-1-1 Information & Referral Call Centers
· American Public Human Services Association (APHSA)
· American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
· Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP)
· Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Medicaid
· Department of Housing and Urban Development
· Department of Labor - One-Stop Career Centers
· Department of Labor - Office of Disability Employment Policy
· Department of Veterans Affairs
· Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) Program
· Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
· National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)
· National Mental Health Information Center
· State and Local Government on the Net Directory
· State Coalitions to Promote Community-Based Care (Olmstead)
For each of the programs and agencies listed, the main heading with the organization name links to that organization's home page. This is followed by a description of the organization and/or what is available on its website. Finally, there is a link to its web page containing state-specific information.
2-1-1 Information & Referral Call Centers
2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number designated by the Federal Communications Commission that, where available (to approximately 55 percent of the U.S. population in 38 states), connects people with important community services. While services that are offered through 2-1-1 vary from community to community, 2-1-1 provides callers with information about and referrals to human services for every day needs and in times of crisis. The United Way of America (UWA) and the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) spearhead implementation of 2-1-1 nationally, which is done in states and local communities by United Ways and comprehensive and specialized information and referral agencies. You can view a national status map and read brief state-by-state 2-1-1 implementation progress reports by clicking on the "Nationwide Status" link from the website above. You can also find the local 2-1-1/I&R Call Center in your state at:
American Public Human Services Association (APHSA)
The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) is a nonprofit, bipartisan organization of individuals and agencies concerned with human services, whose members include all state and many territorial human service agencies. APHSA educates members of Congress, the media, and the broader public on what is happening in the states around welfare, child welfare, health care reform, and other issues involving families and the elderly. APHSA seeks to develop, promote, and implement public human service policies and practices that improve the health and well-being of families, children, and adults. It maintains a list of state human service agency information, with public information telephone numbers and links at:
American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is a non-profit association of more than 1,400 organizations responsible for planning, designing, constructing, financing and operating public transportation systems. APTA members also include business organizations that supply products and services to the public transportation industry, as well as academic institutions, state associations, metropolitan planning organizations and departments of transportation. APTA members serve more than 90 percent of people who use public transportation in the United States and Canada. It maintains lists of local public transportation system information, organized by state, with links at:
Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP)
The Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) is comprised of state Assistive Technology Act Programs funded under the Assistive Technology Act (AT Act). ATAP was established to provide support to state AT Program members to enhance the effectiveness of AT Programs on the state and local level, and promote the national network of AT Programs. ATAP's role is to support AT Programs in implementing the AT Act and promote the rights of people with disabilities, family members, providers, etc. to access accessible IT and AT devices and services. It maintains a list of state AT programs, available at:
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Medicaid
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) works in partnership with the States to administer Medicaid, the program that pays for medical assistance for certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources. It is jointly funded by the Federal and state governments to assist states in providing medical long-term care assistance to people who meet certain eligibility criteria. Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with limited income. States have the authority to establish eligibility standards, set the rate of payment for services, and determine the type, amount, duration, and scope of services. Because states have this flexibility, there are considerable variations from state to state. CMS maintains lists, organized by state, of contact information, eligibility information, state Medicaid plans, Waiver and Demonstration Programs, Systems Change for Community Living Grants (SCG), and Medicaid Infrastructure Grants (MIG) at:
The Child Care Bureau (CCB), an agency of the Administration for Children and Families within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, supports low-income working families through child care financial assistance and promotes children's learning by improving the quality of early care and education and after school programs. It also administers the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). This program, authorized by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, PL 104-193, assists low-income families, families receiving temporary public assistance, and those transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care so they can work or attend training/education. It maintains a list, for each state and territory, of state home page, state child care home page, and other state child care related websites at:
Department of Housing and Urban Development
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) mission is to expand homeownership, increase access to affordable housing free from discrimination, fund Federal Rent Assistance programs, support community development and address the housing needs of society’s most vulnerable. HUD's agenda is broad and covers every aspect of single-family and multifamily housing, the special needs of vulnerable citizens, and urban and economic development. It maintains lists of information about homes and communities, such as subsidized apartment search lists, HUD offices, affordable apartments, HUD homes for sale, mortgage information, and other news and information, organized by state, at:
Department of Labor - One-Stop Career Centers
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers a variety of Federal labor laws including those that guarantee workers’ rights to safe and healthful working conditions; a minimum hourly wage and overtime pay; freedom from employment discrimination; unemployment insurance; and other income support. Within DOL, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) administers federal government job training and worker dislocation programs, federal grants to states for public employment service programs, and unemployment insurance benefits. These services are primarily provided through state and local workforce development systems. The local One-Stop Career Centers provide employment and training services to individuals at the community level. They offer information on finding a job, planning a career, locating training, dealing with job loss, and recruiting employees. DOL maintains a list of state One-Stop websites at:
Department of Labor - Office of Disability Employment Policy
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers a variety of Federal labor laws including those that guarantee workers’ rights to safe and healthful working conditions; a minimum hourly wage and overtime pay; freedom from employment discrimination; unemployment insurance; and other income support. Within DOL, the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) develops disability-related employment policy and practice affecting the employment of people with disabilities, advises the Secretary of Labor on issues related to the employment of people with disabilities, and works with all agencies within the DOL to increase employment opportunities for adults and youth with disabilities. ODEP maintains a list of state contacts (liaisons) on disability issues. The State Liaisons are typically the directors of the State Disability Commissions, Committees or Councils. The staff of these state commissions, committees or councils can often provide information on a multitude of resources available to people with disabilities. The list, organized by state, is available at:
Department of Veterans Affairs
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a wide variety of programs and services for the nation's veterans, and their dependents and survivors. VA maintains state-by-state fact sheets that provide a summary of its programs and facilities within each state. They give general background information as well as specifics related to Health Care, Geriatric Care, Research, Disabilities and Pensions, Homeless Veterans, and Memorial Affairs (cemeteries and headstones). The fact sheets, organized by state, are available at:
Disability Resources, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established to promote and improve awareness, availability and accessibility of information that can help people with disabilities live, learn, love, work and play independently. It is operated by volunteers (with and without disabilities) who work professionally in library, communications, and disability-related fields, and disseminates information about books, pamphlets, magazines, newsletters, videos, databases, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, telephone hotlines and on-line services that provide free, inexpensive or hard-to-find information to help people with disabilities live independently. The DRM Regional Resources Directory lists thousands of local agencies and organizations, arranged by state and subdivided by topic at:
Families USA is a national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans. The organization works with state and local organizations on Medicaid, Medicare, patients' rights, prescription drugs, and its main goal: assuring high-quality health care for all. Working at the national, state, and community levels, it has earned a national reputation as an effective voice for health care consumers for over 20 years. It maintains state-specific information on Medicare, Medicaid, children's health, the uninsured, and managed care, as well as state contacts, organized by state, at:
Family Voices serves as a national clearinghouse for information and education concerning the health care of children with special health needs, and shares the expertise and experiences of families from around the country with state and national policymakers, the media, health professionals, and other families. Family Voices, a national grassroots network of families and friends, advocates for health care services that are family-centered, community-based, comprehensive, coordinated and culturally competent for all children and youth with special health care needs; promotes the inclusion of all families as decision makers at all levels of health care; and supports essential partnerships between families and professionals. It maintains a list of websites that provide news about Family Voices activities and other useful state agency and program links, organized by state, at:
GovBenefits.gov is a partnership of Federal agencies with a shared vision - to provide improved, personalized access to government assistance programs. GovBenefits.gov helps citizens access government benefit eligibility information through a free, confidential, and easy-to-use online screening tool. It does not require your name, phone number, Social Security number, or any other information that could be used to identify you. You answer a series of questions about yourself, and then GovBenefits.gov returns a list of government benefit programs you may be eligible to receive along with information about how you can apply. You can also select from the list of State Benefit Program Contributors to read more about each State's benefits. The list of State Benefit Programs, organized by state, is at:
Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) Program
The ILRU (Independent Living Research Utilization) program is a national center for information, training, research, and technical assistance in independent living. Its goal is to expand the body of knowledge in independent living and to improve utilization of results of research programs and demonstration projects in this field. The ILRU serves independent living centers, statewide independent living councils, state and federal rehabilitation agencies, consumer organizations, educational institutions, medical facilities, and other organizations involved in the field, both nationally and internationally. It maintains lists of Centers for Independent Living (CILs), Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILC), State Associations of CILs, and other related organizations, organized by state, at:
Insure Kids Now! is a national campaign to link the nation's 10 million uninsured children--from birth to age 18--to free and low-cost health insurance. Many families simply don't know their children are eligible. It spreads the good news that hard-working families can get health insurance for their children, and puts families in direct contact with their own state's children's health insurance program through its Web site, the toll-free hotline 1-877-KIDS-NOW, and other outreach. It is sponsored by Health Resources and Services Agency, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agency that assures access to health care. It maintains a list of state children's health insurance program websites at:
LD Online is a large, comprehensive online source of information and news about Learning Disabilities (LD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is a service of WETA, the public broadcasting station in Washington, D.C., and offers many types of resources designed for parents, students, teachers, volunteers, and others. It also provides information about the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the law that promises a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment to children with special needs. It maintains lists of state government agencies, parent and professional organizations, technology-related assistance, etc., organized by state, at:
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally-funded program to help eligible low income households meet their home heating and/or cooling needs. The U.S. Administration of Children and Families' Division of Energy Assistance in the Office of Community Services administers LIHEAP at the federal level. It maintains lists with links that provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of State, Indian Tribal, and Insular Area LIHEAP Coordinators, and a link to the Division of Energy Assistance that provides the names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of the staff of the Division of Energy Assistance in the U.S. Office of Community Services. These are available at:
Medicare.gov is the consumer website operated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that administers the Medicare Program. It maintains a listing of website addresses for State Health Insurance Counseling and Assistance Programs (SHIPs). The SHIPs can answer your questions about: Choosing a managed care plan; Deciding between original Medicare (fee-for-service) and managed care; Understanding your new health plan choices; How to understand your Medicare bill; How/whether to purchase additional health insurance (Medigap policy, long-term care insurance, etc.); Understanding how to appeal payment denials; Understanding your Medicare rights/protections and how to submit a complaint about medical care or treatment. The SHIP listing, organized by state, is available at:
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) [formerly known as the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities] provides information on: disabilities in children and youth; programs and services for infants, children, and youth with disabilities; IDEA, the nation's special education law; No Child Left Behind, the nation's general education law; and research-based information on effective practices for children with disabilities. NICHCY compiles disability-related resources in each state, and creates State Resource Sheets, that can help you locate organizations and agencies within your state that address disability-related issues, including: Governors and U.S. Senators; State agencies serving children and youth with disabilities; State chapters of disability organizations and parent groups; and Parent training and information projects. The Resource Sheets are available at:
National Mental Health Information Center
The National Mental Health Information Center, operated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), provides information about mental health via a toll-free telephone number (800-789-2647), its web site, and more than 600 publications. The National Mental Health Information Center was developed for users of mental health services and their families, the general public, policy makers, providers, and the media. Information Center staff members are skilled at listening and responding to questions from the public and professionals, and can direct callers to Federal, State, and local organizations dedicated to treating and preventing mental illness. The Center maintains lists of mental health facilities, mental health services, resource guides, substance abuse facilities, state statistics, etc., organized by state, at:
State and Local Government on the Net Directory
The State and Local Government on the Net Directory provides convenient one-stop access to the websites of thousands of state agencies and city and county governments. Only official pages that are controlled and managed by state and local government agencies are included. From it, you can view all the websites in a given state -- from a state's home page or governor's site all the way down to the sites of the smallest counties or townships with a presence on the Web. You can also access quick lists of the websites of state government constitutional officers, state legislatures, state judiciaries and departments across all states. The directory is available at:
State Coalitions to Promote Community-Based Care (Olmstead)
The Supreme Court ruling in the case of Olmstead v. L.C. stated that the unjustified institutionalization of people with disabilities is a form of discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In connection with the Olmstead decision, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) have created an initiative to support State and local coalitions, by providing financial assistance, technical assistance and training to promote community-based care. This support is intended to help these coalitions secure the investment of stakeholders, who will provide critical support and resources to assist individuals and families to obtain adequate housing, income, jobs, health and mental health treatment, and other necessary community supports. The Olmstead Community maintains lists of coalition members, organizations, and contact information along with summaries of goals, accomplishments, and barriers to implementation, organized by state, at:
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is the leading source of information on cerebral palsy and is a pivotal advocate for the rights of persons with any disability. UCP's mission is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with any disability. UCP recently published complete state-by-state resource guides, available on the Internet, for people of all ages with any disability. Individuals with disabilities and their families can now easily access contact information for organizations, nonprofit service providers, and state government offices in every state in the nation. Each state and territory one-stop resource guide is free and can be downloaded as a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF document at:
United We Ride is an interagency Federal national initiative that supports States and their localities in developing coordinated human service delivery systems. Established by the Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility, it coordinates 62 different Federal programs across 9 Federal departments that provide funding to be used in support of human services transportation. Human service transportation includes a broad range of transportation service options designed to meet the needs of transportation-disadvantaged populations including older adults, disabled persons and/or those with lower income. A list of contacts, organized by state, who can provide information about coordinated transportation options in your state is available at:
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