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Below is a list of previous Version 5 program revisions with added or updated topics in the WorkWORLD Help/Information System. These changes were necessitated by the ongoing maintenance and enhancements implemented in each version of the WorkWORLD software. The changes are listed by release version of the software, with newer releases first and older releases following in reverse chronological order.
NOTE: See the Changes in this Version topic to see what's new in this release.
Added and integrated entire Delaware Benefit Information System (DEBIS) into WorkWORLD Help/Information system.
Updated The Olmstead Decision topic with additional information section about the New Freedom Initiative: State Coalitions to Promote Community-Based Care project and website.
Added boxed Alert text about work activity, disability onset date, final determination notification, and SGA in SGA - SSDI (Title II), SGA before Final Determination of SSDI Eligibility, SGA - SSI, SGA before Final Determination of SSI Eligibility, Onset of Disability - SSI/DI, and Unsuccessful Work Attempt - SSI/DI Work Incentive topics.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 12/01/2004.
Updated the Kentucky Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the California Workers' Compensation Reform - 2004 topic with URL changes.
Updated the Massachusetts Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data effective October 1, 2004.
Updated the Individual Development Account (IDA) - Assets for Independence Program topic with HHS website URL changes.
Updated the Wisconsin Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the New Mexico Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the New Jersey Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Summary topic with data for 2005.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic with current contact information.
Updated the Colorado Workers' Compensation Summary topic with URL changes.
Updated the WIC - Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children - Overview topic with current links.
Updated the Georgia Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - TANF topic.
Updated the Georgia Individual Training Accounts topic with current URL.
Updated the New York Workers' Compensation Summary topic.
Removed the Iowa Tutorial Example topic, as Iowa-specific questions are no longer asked.
Updated the Louisiana Workers' Compensation Summary topic.
Updated the Massachusetts SSI State Supplement topic with 2005 data.
Updated the Delaware SSI State Supplement topic with 2005 data.
Updated the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) topic with amounts and information for 2004 tax year, for use during the 2005 filing season.
Added the US Program and Agency Resource Links topic.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Amount topics with rates effective December 1, 2004.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Death Pension Amount topic with rates effective December 1, 2004.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Spina Bifida Allowance and Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Women Vietnam Veterans' Children With Birth Defects topics with rates effective December 1, 2004.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Improved Pension Amount topic with rates effective December 1, 2004.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Other Disability Benefits topic with rates effective December 1, 2004.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Disability Compensation Amount topic with rates effective December 1, 2004.
Added the Tax Credit Programs for Employers - Overview, Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit (WtWTC) ,and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) topics due to retroactive two-year reauthorization (back to December 31, 2003) in October 2004.
Updated the Massachusetts Energy Assistance Programs - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Income Eligibility Chart topic with 2004-2005 season limits and changed URLs.
Added the SSA Appeals Process topic.
Updated and revised the SSA Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) topic and included newly revised September 2004 revision of the BPQY Handbook.
Added the Medicare Drug Discount Card and Medicare Prescription Drug Subsidy topics.
Updated the WIC - Contact Information topic with new 11/2004 data.
Updated the Iowa SSI Federal Benefit Rate topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Federal Benefit Rate - SSI topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Trial Work Period topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the SSA Redbook topic with interim 2005 numbers.
Updated the Countable Earnings - SSDI (Title II) topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Virginia Aged, Blind, and Disabled Income Exclusions - Medicaid and Student Earned Income Exclusion - ABD Income Exclusion - Medicaid topics with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Student Earned Income Exclusion and Student Earned Income Exclusion Amount topics with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Recommendation: Try using a SEIE topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the South Carolina Medicaid Program - Working Disabled Program Overview and SC Medicaid Program - Working Disabled Financial Eligibility topics with 2005 numbers.
Updated the SSI Glossary topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Substantial Gainful Activity topic with 2005 numbers.
Added the PASS Cadre Locations topic.
Corrected operational advice appearing in Virginia Question: Medical Expenses without Medicaid but with Medicare and Question: Spouse Medical Expenses without Medicaid but with Medicare topics.
Updated Medicaid - Overview topic and many associated topics based on September 2004 revisions of Department of Health and Human Services source documents.
Updated Medicare - Overview topic and many associated topics based on September 2004 revisions of Department of Health and Human Services source documents.
Updated the Getting Medicare Part B topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Medicare - Financing, Liabilities, and Payments topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Medicare Premiums, Deductibles, and Co-Insurance topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Medicare Buy-In for People with Disabilities Who Work - SSDI topic with 2005 numbers.
Updated the Medicaid Per Capita Average Expenditures topic with new numbers for calendar year 2005.
Updated the Medicaid Per Capita Average Expenditures - Previous Years archival topic.
Updated the State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts topic and internal tables with new thresholds for calendar year 2005.
Added the State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts - 2004 archival topic.
Updated nearly every Section 8 Rent Assistance topic, adding Source (from the Code of Federal Regulations) to most topics, revising to remove references to Tenant-Based Certificates and to indicate that Project-Based Certificates are being phased out, and revising index entries. Also added the Section 8 Rent and the Medicare Prescription Drug Program topic.
Updated the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (PCA) topic.
Updated the Massachusetts Workers' Compensation - Maximum and Minimum Benefits Table (§34 and §34A Claims) topic with data effective 10/1/2004.
Updated the Food Stamp State Application Forms Online topic.
Updated the Virginia DSS Sample 1619(b) Referral Letter topic.
Updated the West Virginia Workers' Compensation Summary topic.
Updated the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) topic.
Updated the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) topic.
Updated the Georgia Energy Assistance - Home Heating and Weatherization topic.
Updated the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Adobe Acrobat Reader topic.
Updated the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services - Group Homes topic.
Updated the New Jersey Workers' Compensation Summary topic.
Updated the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies topic.
Updated and changed many external links in Massachusetts Energy Assistance Programs topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites without corresponding URL forwarding.
Updated and changed many external links in Massachusetts Housing topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites without corresponding URL forwarding.
Updated the Georgia Protection and Advocacy Services topic with new contact information.
Updated the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), Child Care Lead Agency, and Child Care TANF Definitions topics with new and changed links to NCCIC resources.
Updated the Montana Workers' Compensation Summary topic to reflect new administrative rules.
Updated the Hawaii Workers' Compensation Summary topic to remove outdated links.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic with current links.
Added new Case Notes feature in program along with associated Help topic.
Updated Food Stamp Program Income, Deduction, and Allotment amounts in many Help/Information topics and internal program tables with information for Fiscal Year 2005 (beginning October 1, 2004).
Added the 2004 Redbook, Spanish Edition to the SSA Red Book topic.
Adjusted program end dates for Virginia, Massachusetts, and Housing in internal program tables.
Updated Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits Education Benefit Payment Rates effective October 1, 2004 in Montgomery GI Bill (Active Duty), Montgomery GI Bill (Selected Reserve), and Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) Program topics.
Updated Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Vocational Rehabilitation Rates topic with rates effective October 1, 2004.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 10/01/2004.
Updated external file used in the Iowa topic Eligibility for Iowa Benefits Desk Aid with version dated 10/2004.
Updated the South Carolina Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new 2004 information.
Updated the U.S. LHWCA Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective October 1, 2004.
Updated the U.S. FECA Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new retroactive 2004 information.
Added the SSA Program Operations Manual System (POMS) topic.
Updated the Wyoming Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective Quarter 4 2004.
Updated the Washington Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Virginia Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Utah Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Texas Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective September 1, 2004.
Updated the Tennessee Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Rhode Island Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective September 1, 2004.
Updated the Oregon Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the North Dakota Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the North Carolina Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new 2005 information.
Updated the New Hampshire Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Nevada Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Montana Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Minnesota Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective October 1, 2004.
Updated the Louisiana Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective September 1, 2004.
Updated the Iowa Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Idaho Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new 2005 information.
Updated the Georgia Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new 2004 information.
Updated the District of Columbia Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new 2004 information.
Updated the Connecticut Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates effective October 1, 2004.
Updated the Arizona Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new 2004 information.
Updated the Illinois Workers' Compensation - Summary topic with new rates and information effective July 15, 2004.
Added the Glossary of SSA Terminology - English-Spanish and Glossary of SSA Terminology - Spanish-English topics.
Updated the Oklahoma Child Care Eligibility/Rates Schedule external file with new rates effective 09/01/2004.
Updated the Federal WIC - Contact Information topic with information and external files current as of 09/09/2004.
Updated the State Median Income topic with FY 2005 data.
Updated the Alaska SSI State Supplement topic.
Updated the South Dakota Workers' Compensation Summary topic with rates effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic.
Updated the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies topic with new contact information.
Updated and changed many links in dozens of Massachusetts Medical Assistance topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites (again) without corresponding URL forwarding.
Updated the Medical Assistance in Massachusetts - Overview topic with additional information about the Access to Health Care in Massachusetts catalog.
Updated the Massachusetts Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP) - Premiums topic with new premium schedule.
Updated the WIC - Income Requirement topic with income limits effective July 1, 2004 and changed links.
Updated the WorkWORLD Speech - Keyboard Commands topic.
Added the Virginia Olmstead Plan topic.
Added the Veterans Service Organizations - Overview topic.
Updated the Virginia Dependent Child - Medicaid LIFC Eligibility, Virginia Children 1 to 6 Years Old - Medicaid Eligibility, and Virginia Children ages 6 - 19 -- Medicaid Eligibility topics to reflect change in policy about deprivation.
Updated the Virginia Family and Child Income Exclusions - Medicaid topic to reflect change in policy about Contributions In-Kind.
Added the Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) topic and updated the Virginia Low Income Families with Children - Medicaid Eligibility and Virginia Standards of Assistance topics to clarify VIEW provisions.
Updated the Virginia Low Income Families with Children - Medicaid Eligibility, Virginia Medicaid Covered Groups, and Virginia Medicaid Resource Limits topics to remove obsolete references to resource limitations.
Added the Veterans Of Foreign Wars (VFW) topic.
Updated Relationship of Medicaid and Medicare topic with changed Qualified Individual (QI) information.
Added The American Legion topic.
Added the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) topic.
Added the AMVETS topic.
Updated Virginia Medicare Related Covered Groups topic with changed QI information.
Added the Virginia Acronyms and Terminology topic.
Updated the Virginia Medically Needy Income Levels topic with rates effective 7/01/2004.
Added the U.S. VETS topic.
Updated the Virginia Standards of Assistance topic with rates effective 7/01/2004.
Added the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) topic.
Updated the South Dakota SSI State Supplement topic.
Added the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) topic.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Means Test Thresholds topic.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Health Care topic.
Added the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) topic.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Home Loan Guaranties Rates topic.
Added the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) topic.
Added the Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) topic.
Added the Virginia Relay topic.
Added the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (VDDHH) topic.
Added the Virginia Assistive Technology Assessments topic.
Added the Virginia Telework Loans topic.
Updated the Virginia Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority (ATLFA) and Consumer Service Fund (CSF) topics.
Updated the Georgia Independent Living Council topic with current contact and CIL geographic area map information.
Updated the Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy (VOPA) topic with current contact information.
Added the SSA Disability Determination Process topic.
Updated the Plan for Achieving Self-Support topic with additional links and new additional resource information.
Added the SSI Glossary topic.
Added the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities topic.
Updated the Social Security Administration Forms topic.
Updated the SSI/DI Application Information topic.
Updated the Student Earned Income Exclusion, Student, Married - Living Apart from Spouse, and Head of Household topics to include information about elimination of certain restrictions on the application of the Student Earned Income Exclusion.
Added the Virginia Women, Infants, and Children's Program (WIC) topic.
Updated the Kansas Workers' Compensation Summary with rates effective July 1, 2004 and new links reflecting change from Kansas Department of Human Resources to Department of Labor.
Updated the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Locations topic.
Updated the Federal WIC - Contact Information topic with information and external files current as of 07/01/2004.
Added the Food Stamp State Application Forms Online topic.
Updated the Colorado Workers' Compensation Summary with rates effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Food Stamp State Hotline/Information Numbers with current data.
Updated the WIC - Income Requirement topic with eligibility guidelines effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Alabama Workers' Compensation Summary topic with rates effective July 1, 2004.
Fixed memory leak problem causing slow operation in Windows 9x systems.
Improved interface when using with built-in speech enabled.
Updated the Social Security Administration Forms topic with new version of Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration (SSA-827, revised 06/2004).
Updated the Missouri Workers' Compensation Summary topic with rates effective July 1, 2004.
Updated the Alaska Workers' Compensation Summary topic with 2004 rates.
Updated the Georgia Home and Community Based Services topic.
Updated the Keeping WorkWORLD Up to Date topic.
Updated the Maine Workers' Compensation Summary topic with rates effective July 1, 2004.
Added the California Workers' Compensation Reform - 2004 topic, and updated the California Workers' Compensation Summary topic.
Updated the Vermont Workers' Compensation Summary topic with rates effective July 1, 2004.
Added the Georgia Cobb County Community Services Board topic.
Updated and changed many external links in Massachusetts Energy Assistance Programs topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites without corresponding URL forwarding.
Updated the Federal WIC - Contact Information topic with information and external files current as of 06/08/2004.
Updated and changed many external links in Massachusetts Housing topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites.
Added the Educational Income Exclusion (Delaware) - Food Stamps topic and updated the Educational Assistance Income - Food Stamps and Work-Study Educational Income - Food Stamps topics based on information from DE DSS memo dated June 2, 2004.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 06/01/2004.
Updated the Delaware Workers' Compensation Summary topic with rates effective May 21, 2004.
Updated the Using the WorkWORLD Help/Information System On The Web topic with explanation of newly added simplified topic print link.
Added the Oklahoma Client Assistance Program topic.
Added the Oklahoma Disability Law Center topic.
Updated the South Carolina Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc. topic.
Updated the South Carolina Advocacy Services - Client Assistance Program topic.
Added the Massachusetts Disability Law Center topic.
Added the Massachusetts Client Assistance Program topic.
Updated the Georgia Protection and Advocacy Services topic.
Added the Iowa Protection and Advocacy Services topic.
Added the Iowa Client Assistance Program topic.
Added the Delaware Disabilities Law Program topic.
Added the South Dakota Advocacy Services topic.
Updated the Protection and Advocacy Systems - Overview topic to include PATBI and PAVA programs.
Added the South Dakota [Sioux Falls] Business Leadership Network topic.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 04/01/2004.
Updated the SSI State Supplement topics with calendar year 2004 amounts for Washington and Wisconsin.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic with new and revised links.
Updated the Alert: Your SSDI (Title II) Check should stop topic.
Added the APSE and APSE Chapters topics.
Added the Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) topic and its internal copy of the Benefits Planning Query Handbook to describe the new free report individuals may request from SSA that contains much of the detailed information needed to accurately describe their current situation.
Revised and updated the Area Work Incentives Coordinator (AWIC) topic with new location and contact information.
Added new national Business Leadership Network (BLN) and associated BLN Acronym Listing topics, along with individual state BLN topics for Virginia, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, and Iowa.
Updated and changed many external links in Massachusetts Medical Assistance topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites.
Updated Massachusetts Child Care - Office of Child Care Services (OCCS) topic with current information.
Updated Delaware SSI State Supplement topic with current data and explanation.
Updated SSI State Supplements - Overview, SSI State Supplements -- Federal Admin, and SSI State Supplement -- State Admin, and SSI State Supplement -- None topics.
Updated and changed many external links in Massachusetts Food Stamps topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites without corresponding URL forwarding.
Updated and changed many external links in Massachusetts Veterans' Services topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites without corresponding URL forwarding.
Changed many external links in Massachusetts Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC) topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites without corresponding URL forwarding.
Updated the Massachusetts EAEDC Rent Allowance topic and other topics referencing it to reflect that the General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (the state budget) removed the rent allowance from the EAEDC program effective July 1, 2003.
Updated external links in Massachusetts Transportation Resources - Overview and Transportation Resource Benefits Wizard topics to reflect use of new MA web portal.
Updated references to Rules and Regulations of the State of Georgia topics to new Secretary of State website announced March 30, 2004.
Changed many external links in Massachusetts Transitional Aid for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) topics necessitated by changes in Massachusetts portal sites without corresponding URL forwarding.
Updated many external links in Massachusetts Workers' Compensation topics due to changes of Massachusetts websites.
Updated the Federal WIC - Contact Information topic with information and external files current as of 05/12/2004.
Updated external Child Care Family Income Limits and Sliding Scale Fees Table used in Massachusetts Child Care - Income topic.
Updated external files used in the Iowa topics Desk Aid for Supplemental Assistance with version dated 04/2004 and Eligibility for Iowa Benefits Desk Aid with version dated 04/2004.
Updated the Social Security Administration Forms topic and associated external files.
Updated the SSA Red Book topic with 2004 rates and external files released by SSA on April 7, 2004.
Revised the SSA Handbook topic with new download information.
Revised income definition in Relationship of Medicaid and Medicare topic.
Revised explanation of income in VA Medicare Related Covered Groups topic.
Updated Workers' Compensation summary topics for Indiana, North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, and Wyoming.
Updated the Federal Poverty Guidelines topic with revised external links.
Updated the South Carolina Workforce Development - Family Independence Tax Credit and Family Independence Program - Family Independence Tax Credit topics with 2004 data, rates, and revised external links.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic with revised links.
Added interim information in Massachusetts Unemployment Insurance - Overview and Unemployment Insurance - Division of Employment and Training Services (DET) topics about reorganization of DET into two new divisions, the Division of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) and the Division of Career Services (DCS), as announced February 12, 2004.
Updated many Massachusetts Unemployment Insurance topics with new external link to the DET publication Simplifying the Employment and Training Law: A Guide for Employers and revised a number of other external links.
Updated the DisabilityInfo.gov topic with new subscription information.
Updated CMS and other website references in the Medicaid Waiver Templates, Medicaid Freedom of Choice Waivers - Overview, State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and The Olmstead Decision topics by replacing outdated external links.
Updated the Workers' Compensation Summary - Hawaii, Workers' Compensation Summary - Illinois, and Workers' Compensation Summary - Maryland topics with 2004 rates.
Updated the California SSI State Supplement topic by removing now-dead source links.
Updated the Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) - Food Stamps topic with revised 2004 information.
Updated the Michigan Workers' Compensation Summary topic with new DL&EG, WCA information and 2004 rates.
Updated the South Carolina Housing Supports - Section 8 Rental Assistance and Housing Supports - Section 8 Rental Assistance Applications topics with new information.
Updated the Massachusetts Child Care - Income topic.
Updated the Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) Offices topic.
Updated the Colorado Workers' Compensation Summary topic.
Updated the SSI/DI Application Information topic.
Updated the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies topic.
Updated the Workers' Compensation Summary - Pennsylvania topic with 2004 rates.
Updated the Federal Poverty Guidelines topic with 2004 data released by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on February 13, 2004.
Updated the SSI State Supplement topics with calendar year 2004 amounts for Florida.
Updated the SSA Red Book topic with interim adjustments for 2004.
Added the Florida SSI-Related Programs Fact Sheet and Florida Child Care Information Online topics.
Updated the Workers' Compensation Summary - Florida topic with 2004 rates.
Updated the Georgia Medicaid Financial Eligibility topic by adding new 2004 eligibility table.
Revised the State Median Income topic and added new and historical data covering Federal Fiscal Years 1998-2004.
Added the SoonerCare Plus - Discontinued - Oklahoma topic and explanatory notes in many topics related to the SoonerCare Plus program termination effective January 1, 2004.
Added the Oklahoma State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) topic.
Updated several Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children in Massachusetts topics with current rates, including TAFDC - Table of Need Standards - Nonexempt Assistance Units - Massachusetts, TAFDC - Table of Need Standards - Exempt Assistance Units - Massachusetts, TAFDC - Table of Eligibility Standards - Exempt Assistance Units - Massachusetts, TAFDC - Table of Eligibility Standards - Non-Exempt Assistance Units - Massachusetts, TAFDC - Table of Payment Standards - Exempt Assistance Units - Massachusetts, and TAFDC - Table of Payment Standards - Nonexempt Assistance Units - Massachusetts topics.
Split the Changes in this Version topic so it contains only current version changes; changes in previous versions were put in new topics Changes in Previous Version 5 Releases, Changes in Previous Version 4 Releases, and Changes in Previous Version 3 Releases.
Improved program operational speed with interim changes for users of Windows 98, 98SE, and ME.
In program, added progress indicator when exporting a case file.
Updated internal tables with new Housing (Section 8) income limits, effective January 28, 2004.
Updated the SSI State Supplement topics with calendar year 2004 amounts for California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.
Added the Work Incentive Liaison (WIL) topic.
Improved "See Also" links between Disability Program Navigator (DPN), PASS Cadre, Area Work Incentives Coordinator (AWIC), and Benefits Planning, Assistance, and Outreach Program topics.
Updated the SSI State Supplement topics with calendar year 2004 amounts for District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, and Vermont.
Updated the Optional State Supplementation (OSS) Overview - South Carolina topic with calendar year 2004 figures from communications with SCDHHS.
Updated the SSI/DI Application Information topic.
Updated the Using the WorkWORLD Help/Information System On The Web topic to match improvements and updates in its user interface.
Updated the Social Security Administration Forms topic and associated external files.
Added the Presidential Task Force on the Employment of Adults with Disabilities (PTFEAD) topic.
Updated the Massachusetts Unemployment Insurance - Primary Base Period and Unemployment Insurance - Alternate Base Period topics.
Updated external files used in the Iowa topics Desk Aid for Supplemental Assistance with version dated 2/04 and Eligibility for Iowa Benefits Desk Aid with version dated 1/04.
Updated the Iowa SSI State Supplement topic with 2004 rates.
Comprehensively tested, verified, and updated all links to external sources as of 01/23/2004.
Updated the Federal WIC - Contact Information topic with information current as of 02/15/2004.
Updated the Employment Network Outcome/Milestone Payment Amounts - TWWIIA topic with new rates for calendar year 2004.
Updated the Medicaid Buy-In topic with State status and map information current as of 01/24/2004.
Added the Using the Help/Information System On The Web topic, and links to it from State introductory pages.
Updated the SSI State Supplement - Massachusetts topic and internal tables with 2004 rates.
Updated the SSI State Supplement - Oklahoma topic and internal table with 2004 rates.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 01/01/2004.
Added explanation of 1619(b) process in Virginia with new VA 1619(b) Status and VA DSS Sample 1619(b) Referral Letter topics with links from, and notes in, associated topics.
Added the SSA Sample 1619(b) Referral Letter topic and links from associated topics.
Revised Massachusetts calculations of MassHealth Standard premiums, updated internal tables with new variables, and revised a number of related text results, all required by new rules effective 11/01/2003. Also added notes explaining the changes to several topics: MassHealth CommonHealth Premium and Deductible, MassHealth Standard Overview, MassHealth Children and Parents, Note - You are eligible for MassHealth Standard, Note - You are eligible for MassHealth Standard (less than 19), MassHealth Prenatal Care, and Note - You are eligible for MassHealth Standard - Pregnant.
Added a number of Disability Employment Rights Laws topics, including Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination, Job Applicants and the ADA, Employment Rights and the ADA, and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) - Overview
Updated the Medicaid Buy-In topic with State status and map information current as of 10/06/2003.
Updated the Georgia Child Care topic and supporting external PDF appendix files with new information and rates based on FFY 2004 and 2005 State Plan.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Women Vietnam Veterans' Children With Birth Defects topic with new rate table effective 12/01/2003.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Improved Pension Amount topic with new rate table effective 12/01/2003.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Spina Bifida Allowance topic with new rate table effective 12/01/2003.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Amount topic with new rate tables effective 12/01/2003.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Death Pension Amount topic with new rate table effective 12/01/2003.
Updated the Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Disability Compensation and Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Disability Compensation Amount topics with new rate tables effective 12/01/2003.
Updated the Medicaid Per Capita Average Expenditures topic with data for use in calendar year 2004.
Updated the Medicaid Per Capita Average Expenditures - Previous Years topic with archival data.
Updated the State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts topic and internal tables with new thresholds for calendar year 2004.
Added the State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts - 2003 archival topic.
Updated the SSI State Supplement - Virginia topic and internal tables with new rates for calendar year 2004.
Added the Area Work Incentives Coordinator (AWIC) topic.
Updated the Alternate Participants (AP) topic to reflect TWWIIA implementation progress.
Updated Federal Food Stamp Sample Calculations topic, using FY 2004 rates.
Updated Student Earned Income Exclusion topics, including Student Earned Income Exclusion Amount, Medicaid Program - Working Disabled Financial Eligibility - South Carolina, Recommendation: Try using a SEIE, VA Aged, Blind, and Disabled Income Exclusions - Medicaid, and VA Student Earned Income Exclusion - ABD Income Exclusion - Medicaid with 2004 SEIE rates announced by SSA 10/16/2003.
Updated Federal Benefit Rate - SSI, SSI Federal Benefit Rate - Iowa, and Medicaid Program - Working Disabled Program Overview - South Carolina topics with 2004 FBR announced by SSA 10/16/2003.
Updated Trial Work Period and Countable Earnings - SSDI (Title II) topics with 2004 TWP rates announced by SSA 10/16/2003.
Updated Substantial Gainful Activity and Substantial Gainful Activity - Medical Assistance - Iowa with 2004 SGA rates announced by SSA 10/16/2003.
Updated Workers' Compensation topics for all remaining individual states and programs with current rates, contacts, links, and additional information.
Updated Federal Medicare topics, including Medicare Premiums, Deductibles, and Co-Insurance, Medicare Buy-In for People with Disabilities Who Work - SSDI, Medicare - Financing, Liabilities, and Payments, Getting Medicare Part B, and Medicare Part B Premium Deduction with new rates for calendar year 2004 announced by HHS 10/16/2003.
Updated Federal Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Vocational Rehabilitation Rates topic with new structure and rates effective 10/01/2003.
Updated Federal Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Montgomery GI Bill (Active Duty) and Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Montgomery GI Bill (Selected Reserve) topic with rates effective 10/01/2003.
Revised and updated the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and EITC Qualifying Children topics with current rules and rates.
Added the Accessibility Tax Incentives, Disabled Access Credit, and Barrier Removal Tax Deduction topics.
Updated the Workers' Compensation Summary - South Carolina topic.
Updated and added links in Oklahoma Vocational Rehabilitation Services topics.
Restructured, updated, added links, and improved formatting of Oklahoma Veterans Benefits topics so that most now point to corresponding Federal Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits topics.
Updated and added links, and improved formatting of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - Oklahoma topics.
Updated links and added sources in State Supplemental Payment Overview - Oklahoma topics.
In Oklahoma SSI Disabled Child Program topics, added links and sources.
Verified links and content in all Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) topics, and added descriptions and contact information in Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) - Resources and Information - Oklahoma topic.
Added SoonerRide - Oklahoma topic about Medicaid and SoonerCare Non-Emergency Transportation (NET) benefits.
Updated and added external links, and made minor updates and corrections to internal links and program descriptions in Oklahoma Health Care topics.
Added SoonerCare Choice - Native Americans - Oklahoma and SoonerCare Plus - Native Americans - Oklahoma topics.
Updated income limits table in SoonerCare - Financial Eligibility - Oklahoma topic with current data.
Updated contact information and links in Oklahoma Energy Assistance topics.
Updated and added external links, and made minor corrections to internal links and program descriptions in Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services topics.
Updated information and links, and made minor corrections to Child Care Assistance in Oklahoma topics.
Comprehensively updated program descriptions, links, and contact information in all Oklahoma Aging Services topics.
Updated the Workers' Compensation Summary - Oklahoma topic with current rates and additional information.
Updated internal tables with new FFY 2004 values for the Food Stamps Utility Standards for Oklahoma.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-4, Child Care Eligibility/Rates Schedule, to version revised 11/01/2003.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 11/01/2003.
Added the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) topic.
Updated the Federal LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program topic.
Added the Federal Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) - Food Stamps topic.
In Federal Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits section, added Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Home Loan Guaranties and Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Home Loan Guaranties Rates topics.
Updated the Federal WIC - Contact Information topic with information current as of 10/24/2003.
Added the Massachusetts Transportation Resource Benefits Wizard topic.
Updated the Transportation Resources - Overview - Massachusetts topic with new links and Transportation Wizard information.
Updated the Welcome and Introduction - Massachusetts Benefit Information System (MABIS) topic to include new Transportation Wizard links and acknowledgements, and reordered page to simplify access to MA topics.
Added new program question with context-sensitive help topic and corresponding Text Result for additional information on state-specific benefit program information (including the Transportation Wizard) in Massachusetts.
Updated Food Stamps - Benefit Delivery - Massachusetts topic.
Updated the Massachusetts Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Income Eligibility Chart topic.
Updated Massachusetts Workers' Compensation topics Workers' Compensation - Statewide Average Weekly Wage (SAWW) - Massachusetts, Workers' Compensation - Death Benefits for Dependents (§31) - Massachusetts, and Workers' Compensation - Maximum and Minimum Benefits Table (§34 and §34A Claims) - Massachusetts.
Added the Federal Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) - Food Stamps topic.
Updated the Federal Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits - Pension topic with new information.
Added the Federal Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) - Food Stamps topic.
Updated the Federal Workers' Compensation Programs - Overview and Workers' Compensation Programs - Federal Statutes topics.
Added and integrated all information from the Virginia Benefit Information System (VABIS), and added additional Virginia-specific questions, calculations, and results.
Updated the Workers' Compensation Summary - California topic, and added the related CA Workers' Compensation Reform - 2002 and CA Workers' Compensation Reform - 2003 topics.
Added the Wagner-Peyser Act topic.
Added the SSI Redetermination - Age 18 topic.
Updated the Continuing Disability Review topic.
Updated the Workers' Compensation Summary - Georgia topic with current rates and additional information.
Updated the Eligibility for Iowa Benefits Desk Aid with new reference file dated 10/03.
Updated and standardized index keywords for State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts topics, including current and previous years.
Updated the Tutorial topics, including Tutorial Example 1, Tutorial Example 2 - Section 8, and Tutorial Example 3 - Iowa Benefits.
Updated the Unearned Income - Spouse and Unearned Income Amount - Spouse topics to clarify meaning.
Updated the Social Security Administration Forms topic.
Updated the GA PeachCare for Kids - Medical Insurance topic.
Updated the Installing WorkWORLD Software topic.
Updated the External Browser topic.
Updated the Adobe Acrobat Reader topic.
Updated internal tables with new Food Stamps allocations, income limits, and deductions.
Updated internal tables with new Housing (Section 8) income ranges.
Updated internal tables with new Massachusetts health premiums and income limits.
Updated the WIC - Contact Information topic.
Added links to Medicare Premiums, Deductibles, and Co-Insurance topic to additional relevant topics.
Revised and improved explanation in the Trial Work Period (TWP) topic, and clarified meaning of related revised wording of TWP question.
Added the SSA Red Book topic.
Updated many Food Stamp topics with new allotment, income limit, and deduction information for the Federal Fiscal Year 2004 (beginning October 1, 2003), including the topics Food Stamp Benefit Levels, Food Stamp Resource Tests, and Food Stamp Income Tests.
Updated the Vehicles (Federal Rules) - Food Stamps and Vehicles (State Rules) - Food Stamps topics with new information based on August 2003 survey of State rules and policies.
Updated the Food Stamp State Information/Hotline Numbers topic.
Updated the Contacting the Social Security Administration topic.
Added topic and question about SSI Resources (Spouse) - Amount and reworded original SSI Resources - Amount topic.
Updated and changed the wording of the Living Alone topic and question (formerly Living Independently) to avoid confusion with Independent Living.
Added the Note - Food Stamp Allotment and Eligibility Data Not Available topic and associated program Text Result to account for future situation dates that occur beyond dates of valid data.
Added the Subsidies and Special Conditions - Clarification topic, and added additional links to and from all related Subsidy and Special Conditions topics.
Updated the Earned Income Disregard - Section 8 topic to clarify the work incentive and add index entries, and added notes about it in the Earned Income - Section 8, Income Exclusions for Section 8, and Income Deductions Overview - Section 8 topics.
Comprehensively tested, verified, and updated all links to external sources as of 08/07/2003.
Updated the Installing WorkWORLD Software and Uninstalling WorkWORLD Software topics.
Added a number of topics covering General Federal Labor Laws, including the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), Davis-Bacon Act and Related Acts, McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act (SCA), Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (PCA), Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CWHSSA), and Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN) topics.
Added the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Overview topic. Also added the related Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Coverage, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Exemptions, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - FAQ, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Child Labor, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Special Minimum Wages, and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Certification for Special Minimum Wages topics.
Updated the Poverty Guidelines - Federal topic and added links to many new internal tables with various monthly and annual percentage multiples of the guidelines.
Updated the Employment Network (EN) topic.
Updated the SSI State Supplement - South Carolina topic.
Added information about new Food Stamp Pre-Screening Eligibility Tool, announced June 5, 2003, to Food Stamp Program - Overview, Determining Eligibility - Food Stamps, and Food Stamp Sample Calculations topics.
Updated the Food Stamp State Information/Hotline Numbers topic with phone numbers current as of 05/30/2003.
Added and integrated all information from the South Carolina Benefits Information System (SCBIS).
Updated the Medicaid Buy-In topic with information current as of 05/12/2003.
Added the Inheritances topic.
Added the WIC - Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children - Overview topic. Also added the related WIC - Eligibility Requirements, WIC - Income Requirement, WIC - Categorical Requirement, WIC - Residential Requirement, WIC - Nutrition Risk Requirement, WIC - Eligibility Priority System, WIC - Participant Benefits, and WIC - Contact Information topics.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 04/01/2003.
Updated Workers' Compensation in Massachusetts topics with current data, rates, and sources.
Updated Massachusetts Veterans' Services topics with current rates, data, and source references.
Updated Unemployment Insurance in Massachusetts topics with current data, rates, and sources.
Added the Individual Development Account (IDA) - Overview topic, and related Individual Development Account (IDA) - Details, Individual Development Account (IDA) - Definitions, Individual Development Account (IDA) - State Differences, and Individual Development Account (IDA) - Assets for Independence Program topics.
Updated Massachusetts Transportation Resources - Overview topic.
Replaced image of Georgia State Flag with new design adopted May 8, 2003 by the State.
Updated Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children in Massachusetts topics with current data, sources, and rates, and added TAFDC - Disability Definition - Massachusetts, TAFDC - Table of Need Standards - Nonexempt Assistance Units - Massachusetts, and TAFDC - Table of Need Standards - Exempt Assistance Units - Massachusetts topics.
Added information about the Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP) to the Massachusetts Medical Assistance section, including the MA Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP) - Overview, MA Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP) - Premiums, and MA Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP) - Services topics.
Updated Medical Assistance in Massachusetts topics with current data, sources, and rates, and added MassHealth Basic and MassHealth Choosing a Health Plan topics.
Updated Massachusetts Housing topics with current rates and data.
Updated State SSI Supplements topics with calendar year 2003 rates for the following States: California, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia.
Updated Massachusetts Food Stamp Program topics with current rates, data, and source references.
Updated Massachusetts Energy Assistance Programs topics, and added references to sources.
Updated Massachusetts Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC) topics, and added references to regulation sources.
Updated the Insurance Partnership Eligibility Criteria - Massachusetts topic to link to current income limits table.
Updated existing Massachussetts Child Care topics, and added new Child Care - Frequently Asked Questions - Massachusetts, Child Care - Program Types - Massachusetts, Income Eligible Child Care Subsidy - Massachusetts, Employment Services Program Child Care - Massachusetts, Supportive Child Care - Massachusetts, Teen Parent Child Care Services - Massachusetts, Trial Court Child Care - Massachusetts, Child Care for Special Populations - Massachusetts, Child Care - Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions - Massachusetts, Child Care - Family Definition - Massachusetts, Child Care - Income - Massachusetts, and Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&R) - Massachusetts topics.
Comprehensively tested, verified, and updated all links to external sources as of 04/30/2003.
Updated the Food Stamp State Information/Hotline Numbers topic with current phone numbers.
Added the Groups Deemed to be Receiving SSI for Medicaid Purposes topic.
Added the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) topic and relatedChild Care Acronyms and Abbreviations, Child Care Technical Assistance Network (CCTAN), Child Care Lead Agency, and Child Care TANF Definitions topics.
Added the Randolph-Sheppard Program topic.
Added the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Program (JWOD) topic with related National Industries for the Blind (NIB) and NISH topics.
Updated the Medicaid Buy-In topic with new information for 2003.
Added the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) topic.
Added the External Browser topic.
Added Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) - Overview topic and other topics to explain its provisions, such as HIPAA - Insurance Reform Overview with related topics. Also, added three HIPAA Amendment topics: Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 (WHCRA), Mental Health Parity Act of 1996 (MHPA), and Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996 (NMHPA).
In all Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits topics, changed topic names, links, references, index and TOC entries from former "VA Benefits" prefix to current "Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits" in order to avoid confusion with future Virginia (VA) topics.
Added New Freedom Initiative and related DisabilityInfo.gov topics.
Added Flow Of Cases Through The SSA Disability Process topic, and its accompanying Flow Chart.
Added Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and related State Median Income topics.
Added Names Of State TANF Programs topic and updated Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - Overview topic.
Added Social Security Administration Forms topic.
Updated VA Benefits - Health Care topic with new benefits restoration policy announced by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Added Independent Living topics: Centers for Independent Living (CIL) and Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILC).
Added information from the Georgia Benefit Information System (GABIS).
Updated Medicaid - Overview, Medicaid - Eligibility, Medicaid - Scope of Services, Medicaid - Amount and Duration of Services, Medicaid - Payment for Services, Medicaid - Data Summary and Trends, and Relationship of Medicaid and Medicare topics with latest available data from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Added State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) topic.
Updated Medicare - Overview, Medicare - Coverage, Medicare - Managed Care Plans, Medicare - Financing, Liabilities, and Payments, Medicare - Claims Processing, Medicare - Administration, Medicare - Data Summary, and Medicare - Other Considerations topics with latest available data from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Added Adobe Acrobat Reader topic to Getting Started section of Help system.
Updated SSI State Supplement - Oklahoma topic with rates for calendar year 2003.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-4, Child Care Eligibility/Rates Schedule, to version revised 01/01/2003.
Updated Oklahoma Appendix C-1, Schedule of Maximum Income, Resource, and Payment Standards, to version revised 02/01/2003.
Updated Oklahoma Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) topics with current and additional links and contact information.
Updated Oklahoma Health Care Programs topics, including Long Term Care topics, Medicaid Program topics, SoonerCare topics, SoonerCare Choice topics, and SoonerCare Plus topics with current financial amount tables, numbers, contacts, and links.
Added Aging Services - Senior Housing Choices - Oklahoma topic, revised Aging Services Overview - Oklahoma and Aging Services - Legal Support - Oklahoma topics, and updated all other Oklahoma Aging Services topics.
Added Oklahoma topics Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) - Overview, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) - Contact Information, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) - Resources and Information, and Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) - Collaborative Project.
Updated Poverty Guidelines - Federal topic with 2003 figures.
Updated Federal Poverty Guidelines - Iowa topic with 2003 figures.
Updated MassHealth Income Limits topic with 2003 figures.
Added Full Retirement Age topic.
Added links to the online SSA Benefits Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST) to the Supplemental Security Income, Disability Insurance - SSDI (Title II), Medicare - Overview, and Medicare - Coverage topics.
Added Disability Insurance - SSDI (Title II) - Eligibility topic.
Updated Alert: Age greater than 64 receiving SSDI topic to account for changes in full retirement age.
Updated Earned Income - SSI topic to clarify definitions and add additional index entries.
Updated internal tables with new 2003 values for the Food Stamps Utility Standards of many States.
Updated Expanded Categorical Eligibility (South Dakota) - Food Stamps with current list of programs.
Updated Expanded Categorical Eligibility (Wisconsin) - Food Stamps topic with current list of programs.
Updated SSI State Supplement - Massachusetts topic with new numbers for 2003, and added additional index entries.
Updated valid period in topics MassHealth CommonHealth Premium and Deductible and MassHealth Income Limits.
Added the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers - Overview topic.
Added the Medicaid Research and Demonstration Projects Waivers - Overview topic.
Added the Medicaid Freedom of Choice Waivers - Overview topic.
Added the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program - Summary Presentation topic.
Added the Disability Rights Laws - Overview topic.
Updated links and tables in many Veterans Affairs topics with 2003 rates.
Added the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies topic.
Added the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) topic.
Added VA Benefits topics for Women Vietnam Veterans' Children With Birth Defects Benefits and Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA).
Added the Protection and Advocacy Systems - Overview topic.
Added the Disability Program Navigator (DPN) topic.
Updated tables in Employment Network Outcome/Milestone Payment Amounts - TWWIIA topic to include 2003 payment amounts.
Added the Continued Payment Under a VR Program (Section 301 Benefits) topic.
Added the One-Stop Centers - Overview topic.
Updated links and information in the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 and Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program topics to reflect implementation changes and progress.
Added the PASS Cadre topic.
Added the Alternate Participants (AP) topic.
Added the Employment Network (EN) topic.
Added the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency - Appearance Sample topic.
Added the Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS) Program topic.
Added the Employment Support Representative (ESR) topic.
Added the Benefits Planning, Assistance, and Outreach Program (BPAO) topic.
Updated the Installing WorkWORLD Software topic.
Updated the Eligibility for Iowa Benefits Desk Aid to version dated 04/2003 and the Iowa Desk Aid for Supplemental Assistance to version dated 01/2003.
Updated the State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts topic and initialization file with newly released 2003 numbers.
Updated the Medicaid Per Capita Average Expenditures topic with newly released numbers.
Added the State 1619(b) Threshold Amounts - 2002 topic.
Added the Medicaid Per Capita Average Expenditures - Previous Years topic.
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