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Welcome to the South Carolina Benefit Information System (SCBIS). SCBIS contains a wealth of South Carolina-specific information about public benefits available to South Carolina residents who have disabilities. We hope that you will be able to use this information system to find what you need to know about SC disability benefits and how you can use those benefits to help you become more self-sufficient.
The South Carolina Benefit Information System is integrated into the main WorkWORLD Help/Information System so the information SCBIS contains can be accessed by using the complete WorkWORLD Help/Information System's Table of Contents, Index, and "Find" features. Policy, program, and rate information will be updated in future releases.
Future versions of WorkWORLD with SCBIS are planned to include additional information and calculation capabilities. WorkWORLD with SCBIS is designed to help beneficiaries, consumers, family members, advocates and professionals gain an understanding of how work incentives and work opportunities can impact a beneficiary's Federal and State public benefits in South Carolina. The benefit plans generated by WorkWORLD with SCBIS provide information for comprehensive written plans to assist beneficiaries in their efforts to consider employment opportunities in their respective communities throughout South Carolina.
When the stand-alone web-based version of the WorkWORLD Help/Information system is used, it operates directly through your Internet browser program, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape. All features of your browser work normally, and you can display or hide the navigation pane on the left side of your screen as well as print directly from your browser.
If you are using this Help/Information System on the Internet, click the "Show Navigation" link at the upper left corner of this screen to reveal the Contents, Index, and Search features. Also see Using the Help/Information System On The Web for additional features and operational information.
Please remember that the Help/Information System is primarily designed for operation within the WorkWORLD software program. Although the benefit information in the WorkWORLD Help/Information System should be useful to many in the "stand-alone" version available on the Internet, the WorkWORLD software helps reduce the amount of information each individual has to deal with by asking questions that establish the individual's current policy situation. As WorkWORLD users try to answer the questions that apply to them, they can get information about the meaning of each question and its relevance to their situation.
The Help/Information System originally was formatted for display using the help engine built into the Windows operating system. It has been reformatted for the Internet so that virtually any browser can display it, but some browsers render the pages better than others. For instance, Microsoft Internet Explorer produces pages that more accurately portray the original than does Netscape Navigator.
The WorkWORLD Help/Information system is available on the Internet at:
The following section provides a brief summary of use from within the WorkWORLD program stored on your computer (for those who have installed the program). As the system is designed to be interactive with the program, using it this way is somewhat different from using the web version. See the Using the Help/Information System topic for complete information about use within the program. The complete program is available from:
You have probably noticed this page contains a number of both green and blue underlined phrases. These are called hyperlinks, or simply "links," and allow you to jump to different topics by clicking on them with your mouse (or by using the Tab key to select them and then pressing the Enter key).
Green links let you jump to other topics that are included as part of SCBIS and the overall Help/Information system. You can always use green links. Blue link s use your computer's default browser to jump to pages of websites on the Internet. You must be connected to the Internet before you attempt to use a blue link.
Using the Help Topics button at the top of this window will pop up a small window and allow you to use the Table of Contents, Index, and Find features. On the pop up window, click one of the three tabs across the top. If you select Table of Contents, highlight a book and press Open to see its contents. Then highlight a topic and press Display to read it. If you select the Index tab, follow the directions. Remember to always type "sc" and a space before typing letters of the word you want to find. This is so that all the SC specific terms will be clustered together in the larger WorkWORLD index. Selecting the Find tab will allow you to find every topic that contains the word you want to find.
You can print any topic displayed by using the Print button. The "<<" and ">>" buttons move backwards and forwards through topics in the same order as the Table of Contents. The Back button takes you back to the previous topic displayed (handy if you used a link to jump to a topic out of sequence).
NOTE: Many of the topics in SCBIS contain references to the South Carolina Code of Regulations. The regulations are available at http://www.scstatehouse.net/coderegs/statmast.htm. The citations to the regulations can be accessed through this link if you are connected to the Internet.
The South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN) provided the financial and research support to customize the WorkWORLD benefits planning software to include the South Carolina Benefits Information System (SCBIS). This Project is a cooperative effort by a number of professionals at SCDDSN and other agencies, including:
· Stanley J. Butkus, Ph.D., State Director, SCDDSN
· Kathi K. Lacy, Ph.D., Associate State Director of Policy, SCDDSN
· Janet Brock Priest, Director, Office of Adult Supports, Mental Retardation Division, SCDDSN
· Gwen Power, Power and Associates, Inc.
Click on the topics listed below to learn how policies and programs work and how you can use them to manage your benefits effectively and become more self-supporting:
· South Carolina Consumer Employment Program (DMH)
· South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (DDSN)
· South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS)
· South Carolina Family Independence Program (FIP)
· South Carolina Medicaid Program
· South Carolina Unemployment Insurance
· South Carolina Veterans' Benefits
· South Carolina Workforce Investment
· South Carolina Transition Services
· South Carolina Housing Supports
· South Carolina Advocacy Services
WorkWORLD with SCBIS was developed to increase public access to public benefits planning information available to consumers to assist them in efforts to understand the impact work will have on their public benefits. While this software program is constantly updated and revised in an effort to provide timely and accurate information, neither SCDDSN nor the Employment Support Institute warrants the accuracy of the content, recommendations, or plans generated by this software product.
It is advisable that all parties that use this product as part of a benefits planning process consult with respective Local, State, and Federal public benefits authorities prior to making any decisions about working or the effect work may have on a beneficiary's public benefits. We will make every attempt to update the SCBIS with new details as they are brought to our attention.
WorkWORLD with SCBIS contains information originating from other organizations, both public and private. The software also contains hyperlinks to documents and resources from such public and private organizations. While every attempt is made to ensure that all information is accurately referenced, we do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or quality of the content of these outside sources. The inclusion of hyperlinks does not indicate endorsement or certification of the information, products or services offered by the outside sources.
Integrated, synchronized, closed-captioned multi-media demonstrations of WorkWORLD are now available on the WorkWORLD website. Tutorial modules explain WorkWORLD's features and show many aspects of its operation, while presentation modules discuss the software's use in the broader context of benefits planning and service delivery for individuals. See and hear all the modules on the Tutorials and Presentations page at:
WorkWORLD™ Help/Information System
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This is one topic from the thousands available in the WorkWORLD™ software Help/Information System.
Complete information about the software is available at: http://www.WorkWORLD.org
See How to Get WorkWORLD page at: http://www.WorkWORLD.org/howtogetWW.html
NOTE: Sponsored links and commercial advertisements help make the WorkWORLD™ website possible by partially defraying its operating and maintenance expenses. No endorsement of these or any related commercial products or services is intended or implied by the Employment Support Institute or any of its partners. ESI and its partners take no responsibility for, and exercise no control over, any of these advertisements or their views or contents, and do not vouch for the accuracy of the information contained in them. Readers are cautioned to verify all information obtained from these advertisements prior to taking any actions based upon them. The installed WorkWORLD software does not contain advertisements of any kind.
Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, Virginia Commonwealth University. All rights reserved.