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VA VIEW - Supportive Services

Social/supportive services are provided to you as a VIEW participant to remove barriers to your participation and to stabilize employment.

Supportive services are provided as needed and available to support your participation in:

·      Orientation; or

·      Assessment; or

·      Approved self-initiated education, training and employment activities; or

·      To accept or maintain employment.

NOTE: In order to provide VIEW Supportive Services, DSS must have funds available based on local VIEW allocations. If supportive services are essential for your participation, and neither you nor the agency can provide them, and no alternatives are available, you can not be sanctioned for noncompliance. In such a situation you will be placed in "Inactive" status, which will prevent the clock from counting against your VIEW 24-month time limit and the TANF 60-month time limit.

Available Supportive Services

The supportive services available are:

·      Child care: If child daycare or transportation services are needed but not available, you cannot be required to participate in VIEW. Child daycare services are provided to enable you to gain and/or keep employment or to participate in program activities. Arrangement for and/or payment of child daycare is provided only when you are unable to obtain child daycare on your own at no cost.

·      Transportation: This service is provided to enable you to travel to and from authorized VIEW activities or employment. The need must be linked to needs identified on your Activity and Service Plan and the participant must be making satisfactory progress and regularly attending the component. You have the primary responsibility to arrange transportation. Transportation will be provided only when you are unable to make necessary arrangements.

Transportation can be provided by any of the following means:

Individuals other than public conveyors: In this circumstance, payment is made to the individual provider. Such payment must be pre-authorized and reimbursement cannot exceed the current state mileage reimbursement rate; or

Agency or individual public conveyance sellers; or

Commercial establishments: For example, if you need gas for your car you could receive a voucher that a gas station would honor; or

Vehicle repairs: A request for payment of an vehicle expense or repair can be approved if public transportation is not available, the agency cannot provide transportation, there are no other available resources, and the general condition of the vehicle justifies the cost of the repairs.

·      Medical and Dental Services: Payment for medical/dental services must directly relate to VIEW activities or employment. These are medical/dental services not covered by Medicaid. The need must be linked to needs identified on the Activity and Service Plan and you must be making satisfactory progress and regularly attending the component activities.

Examples of such medical/dental services are:

Medical statements or other necessary medical verifications;

Dentures, glasses, orthopedic shoes, and other items required prior to entry into jobs, work-sites, or education/training components; and

Medical and mental health evaluations not covered by Medicaid but needed by participants to determine whether they have a verified disability that affects program participation.

·      Program Participation and Work-related Expenses: Participation expenses which are reimbursable include, but are not limited to:

Fees for birth certificates;

License fees;

Registration/graduation fees;

Picture ID costs;

Uniforms or other clothing or shoes;

An initial set of tools or equipment;

Safety equipment;

Car repairs and cost of initial insurance;

·      Emergency Intervention: This service provides assistance during crisis situations that may affect your employment or participation in a VIEW activity. Examples are emergency provisions of food/utilities, or other items necessary for you to gain or keep employment or participate in other VIEW activities. Automobile expenses are not covered under this section.

Duration of Supportive Services

Supportive services may be provided for as long as you are in a VIEW activity and your TANF case is open, or if the TANF case is closed and the required number of job follow-ups have not been completed.

Participants who enter full or part-time employment and continue to receive TANF or TANF- UP are eligible for supportive services. In the event of TANF case closure, all supportive services may be provided for 90 days or until the required job follow-ups are completed, whichever is longer.

NOTE: Transitional supportive services, for which a former participant may be eligible to receive for 12 months after case closure, are limited to transportation, child care, and employment and training.

See Also:

VA VIEW - Agreement of Personal Responsibility

VA VIEW - On-the-Job Training

VA VIEW - Full Employment Program

VA VIEW - Community Work Experience Program

VA VIEW - Transitional Benefits

VA VIEW - Time Limit

VA TANF - Overview

VA TANF-UP - Overview

VA TANF Eligibility

VA TANF Assistance Unit

VA TANF-UP Assistance Unit

VA TANF - Time Limit

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VA VIEW - Overview

VA Benefit Information System Welcome and Introduction


VA TANF Policy Manual Sections 1000.6

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