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Case Notes


Screenshot of the Case Notes button found on the WorkWORLD toolbar, represented by a hand holding a pencil writing on a yellow note pad of paper.Case Notes are a feature of the WorkWORLD program that allows you to keep an individual free-form text file of any information you want as part of each saved case file. You can enter, edit, copy, and print this file any time you open the corresponding case file. The notes file is automatically saved each time you save the case file. Case Notes are fully integrated with the built-in WorkWORLD speech features.

This topic consists of several sections. You may read them all sequentially, or jump immediately to one of them by following the bulleted links below to the sections listed:

·                   Opening Case Notes

·                   Case Notes Window

·                   Using Case Notes

·                   Case Notes Edit Menu

·                   Case Notes Help Menu

Opening Case Notes

There are two different ways to open the Case Notes window, one from the Main Menu, and one from the Toolbar. The Toolbar method is useful when using a mouse, and the Main Menu method may be used with a mouse as well as from the keyboard.

Opening Case Notes from the Main Menu:

Screenshot of Tools item on main menu, showing resulting drop down menu with Case Notes item highlighted.

Using a mouse, click on the Tools item on the Main Menu, then click on the Case Notes item on the resulting drop-down menu to open the Case Notes Window.

From the keyboard, hold down the Alt key, then type L to see the drop-down Tools menu. Then type C to select the Case Notes menu item and open the Case Notes window.

Depiction of keyboard key Alt. + Depiction of keyboard key letter L. , Depiction of keyboard key letter C.

Opening Case Notes from the Toolbar:

Screenshot of the Case Notes button found on the WorkWORLD toolbar, represented by a hand holding a pencil writing on a yellow note pad of paper.You can simply click the Case Notes button on the Toolbar to open the Case Notes window. The button is the 7th icon from the left, and shows a hand holding a pencil, writing on a pad of paper. This is a "shortcut" method that performs the same function as the keyboard method described above.

Case Notes Window

Using either method above opens the Case Notes Window, which shows the case file name in the title bar at its top:

Screenshot of Case Notes window, showing Title Bar in extreme upper left corner with displayed file name, normal Windows control buttons in extreme upper right corner, two menu items (File and Help) near upper left, Close button in lower right corner, and typical sample of text entered in main window area.

You can resize the window by mousing over an edge or corner until the mouse pointer changes to a double arrow, then grabbing the edge by holding down the left mouse button, and finally dragging the edge until the window size is satisfactory:

Screenshot of double arrow pointer that appears at edges or corners of windows when mouse pointer hovers over that position.

Alternatively, normal window control buttons are available in the upper right corner of the window to minimize, maximize, restore, and exit the window:

Screenshot of selected portion of typical Windows screen, showing extreme upper right corner of title bar with the three normal window control buttons for minimize, full screen, and close.

To access the window control functions from the keyboard, use the normal Windows shortcut keys Alt+Spacebar to open the shortcut menu for the active window:

Depiction of keyboard key Alt. + Depiction of keyboard Space Bar.

When you are finished with the Case Notes window, click the Close button at the lower right using your mouse or from the keyboard hold down the Alt key while typing C:

Depiction of keyboard key Alt. + Depiction of keyboard key letter C.

Using Case Notes

Once open, you can type any information you want into the Case Notes window. It works much the same as the Windows Notepad utility.

Use your Enter Key to begin a new line:

Depiction of keyboard key Enter.

Lines are automatically word-wrapped to fit within the window size.

You can use the normal Windows clipboard functions to copy text back and forth from Case Notes and any other regular Windows application program.

Case Notes are saved as an integral part of the WorkWORLD Case File each time the case is saved. No separate external file accessible through Windows exists.

If you wish to delete all the Case Notes information for a particular saved case, open the file, open Case Notes, Select All, Delete, close Case Notes, then save the file.

Case Notes Edit Menu

There are two ways to show the drop-down Edit menu items. Using your mouse click Edit on the Case Notes window menu bar, or from the keyboard hold down the Alt key while typing E:

Depiction of keyboard key Alt. + Depiction of keyboard key letter E.

Using either method above reveals the drop-down Edit menu items, which allow you to perform simple editing functions on the text within the Case Notes window:

Screenshot of Edit item on Case Notes menu bar, showing resulting drop down menu choices of Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Find, Select All, and Time/Date.


Cut removes highlighted text within the Case Notes window and places it in the windows clipboard. The normal Windows keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + X) is shown on the menu to remind you that you can cut directly, without opening the Edit menu. After highlighting the desired text, if the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may also perform a cut by either clicking the Cut menu item or simply typing the shortcut letter T:

Depiction of keyboard key letter T.


Copy uses previously highlighted text within the Case Notes window and places it in the windows clipboard. The normal Windows keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + C) is shown on the menu to remind you that you can copy directly, without opening the Edit menu. After highlighting the desired text, if the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may also perform a copy by either clicking the Copy menu item or simply typing the shortcut letter C:

Depiction of keyboard key letter C.


Paste takes text from the Windows clipboard and copies it to the Case Notes window at the location of the cursor. The normal Windows keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + V) is shown on the menu to remind you that you can paste directly, without opening the Edit menu. After moving the cursor to the desired insertion point, if the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may also perform a paste by either clicking the Paste menu item or simply typing the shortcut letter P:

Depiction of keyboard key letter P.


Delete removes highlighted text within the Case Notes. The normal Windows keyboard shortcut (Del) is shown on the menu to remind you that you can delete directly, without opening the Edit menu. After highlighting the desired text, if the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may also perform a delete by either clicking the Delete menu item or simply typing the Delete key:

Depiction of keyboard key Delete.


Find performs a search within the Case Notes window text for any string of characters you specify. You can search for a word, part of a word, a date, a name, or any characters you believe may exist in the Case Notes. You may search in either direction from any point you select, and optionally require an exact case match.

The normal Windows keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+F) is shown on the menu to remind you that you can find directly, without opening the Edit menu after selecting the find starting point (by either clicking at the appropriate point or using the keyboard arrow keys to move the cursor). If the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may also begin a Find operation by either clicking the Find item on the Edit drop-down menu with your mouse or simply type the F key:

Depiction of keyboard key letter F.

Using either method above opens the Find window, where you specify the text to find and other parameters:

Screenshot of Case Notes Find window, showing normal Windows control buttons in extreme upper right corner, Find what entry box in center, Match Case check box in lower right corner, Direction Up and Down radio buttons in lower center, and Find Next and Cancel buttons along right side.

Type the text string you want to find into the Find what box. If you want to only find strings that exactly match in terms of capitalization, check the Match Case box. Then select whether you wish to search up or down from the current cursor position. Finally, click the Find Next button to begin the search.

Moving in the direction you specified, the first instance of the search string will be highlighted in the Case Notes text. Each time you click the Find Next button, the next instance will be highlighted. This process will continue until no further instances of the string are found. The search stops when either the beginning or end of the document is reached, and then a dialog box is displayed:

Screenshot of Case Notes Find function window, showing message 'Can not find ...' with Okay button in lower center.

Select All

Select All highlights all the text within the Case Notes window. It is useful when you want to copy all the text onto the Windows clipboard. The normal Windows keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + A) is shown on the menu to remind you that you can select all directly, without opening the Edit menu. If the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may also perform a select all by either clicking the Select All menu item or simply typing the shortcut letter A:

Depiction of keyboard key letter A.


Time/Date inserts the current time and date from your computer's internal clock into the Case Notes text at the current cursor position. This allows you to conveniently and automatically date-stamp your entries in Case Notes.

The normal Windows keyboard shortcut (F5) is shown on the menu to remind you that you can insert the time and date directly, without opening the Edit menu after selecting the insertion point (by either clicking at the appropriate point or using the keyboard arrow keys to move the cursor). If the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may also insert the time and date by either clicking the Time/Date item on the Edit drop-down menu with your mouse or simply typing the D key:

Depiction of keyboard key letter D.

NOTE: If your computer does not display the correct time and/or date, you must set it by using Date and Time within Windows Control Panel. See your Windows Help for additional information.

Case Notes Help Menu

There are two ways to show the drop-down Help menu items. Using your mouse click Help on the Case Notes window menu bar, or from the keyboard hold down the Alt key while typing H:

Depiction of keyboard key Alt. + Depiction of keyboard key letter H.

Using either method above reveals the drop-down Help menu items:

Screenshot of Help item on Case Notes menu bar, showing resulting drop down menu choices of Help and About WorkWORLD.


Help shows information about Case Notes by displaying the topic you are reading in the Help/Information System. If the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may display this topic by either clicking the Help menu item or simply typing the H key:

Depiction of keyboard key letter H.

About WorkWORLD

About WorkWORLD shows information about your installed copy of WorkWORLD software and, optionally, detailed technical information about the hardware and software environment on your computer. This is the same information as that obtained from the program Main Menu Help, About WorkWORLD item. For additional description and information, see the Help, About WorkWORLD topic.

If the Edit drop-down menu is showing then you may display the information by either clicking the About WorkWORLD menu item or simply typing the B key:

Depiction of keyboard key letter B.

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