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NOTE: This topic describes use of the Help/Information System as part of the WorkWORLD™ program installed on your computer. A separate topic, Using the WorkWORLD Help/Information System On The Web, has information about the Internet version of the Help/Information System available at http://www.workworld.org/wwwebhelp.html.
The WorkWORLD Help/Information System consists of three components:
1. General Help
NOTE for non-mouse users: If you use the keyboard keys rather than a mouse to operate your computer, once you have brought up a help screen you can switch back and forth between the main program window and the Help window using the Alt and Tab keys:
Hold down the Alt key and then press and release the Tab key. A small window will pop up with icons along the top representing the program screens from which you may choose. A blue box will appear around the icon of the selected program, and its screen title (the text that appears in the blue title bar at the top of each screen) will display along the bottom of the pop-up window.
While you hold the Alt key down, each time you press and release the Tab key, the selection will cycle through the available windows. When you have selected the window you want, release the Alt key and that window will display on your screen.
Use this type of help to get information about WorkWORLD features and options as well as definitions and explanations of terms used in the program. There are four ways to access General help:
1. When starting WorkWORLD, at the opening screen, click on the button labeled "Get Started". This will take you to an Introductory Overview of WorkWORLD. From the overview you can go to the Index, Table of Contents, and Help Search Engine by clicking on the "Help Topics" button (or by holding down the "Alt" key and pressing "T"):
or +
2. Like many Windows programs, pressing the F1 function key from anywhere in the program will pop up the context-sensitive help system. A topic corresponding to the section of the program that has focus will display, providing more information about the area of the program you are in. If no context-specific help topic is available, the Introductory Overview of WorkWORLD described above will appear. From there, you can go to the Index, Table of Contents, or the Help Search Engine.
3. You can click the Help icon on the toolbar to pop up the Table of Contents. From there, you can also go immediately to the Index and Help Search Engine.
4. From within WorkWORLD, click on "Help" from the Main Menu (or hold down "Alt" and type "H"). This selection will drop down the following options:
Select "Contents & Index" to bring up the Help System Table of Contents, and tabs to the Index and Find features.
Index: Click on "Contents & Index" (or press "C"), then select the Index tab at the top, and the Index will pop-up:
You can find a specific topic in the Index. Either:
1. Type in the first couple of letters of the topic you want, click on it in the list, and then click on "Display"; or
2. Type in the first couple of letters of the topic, use your down-arrow to select the topic, and then press "Enter".
See also Table of Contents below.
If you display a topic, you will see in many topics words that are underlined and displayed in a color. There are two forms of these colored, underlined words: topics words (displayed in green unless you have changed your desktop colors), and World Wide Web site addresses (starting with "http://www…" and displayed in blue if you use default colors.) Both forms of these colored, underlined words represent locations in the text that are called hyperlink jumps. As your mouse passes over them, the cursor changes to the shape of a hand to alert you to the jump location.
One type of hyperlink jump uses underlined World Wide Web site addresses (Uniform Resource Locators, or URLs) which allow you to jump to sites on the Internet if you are using a computer set up to do so. To use this capability from the help system, your computer must be connected to the Internet either by a network or through a modem. In addition, you must be using either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator as your browser, and the browser must be set as the Windows default browser. When you click on one of these links, the default Internet browser will be launched on your PC and will be displayed in a separate window. You may need to minimize the Help window, if you have selected it as always on top, in order to see the entire browser window. You may perform any Internet option while the browser window is selected. To return to WorkWORLD, close or minimize the browser window, and restore the Help window, if necessary.
Another type of hyperlink jump uses underlined topic words. These words are linked to other topics. You can click on any of the underlined words and you will go to more information about that term. (Or you can use your "Tab" key to high-light each link in turn, and press "Enter" when you come to the term that you want more information about.)
You can then return to the original topic by clicking on the "Back" button (or by holding down the "Alt" button and pressing "B").
If you have displayed a topic and you want to return to the Index, click on the "Help Topics" button (or hold down the "Alt" key and press "T"), then click the "Index" tab.
From there you can look up another indexed topic by repeating the above steps, or:
Using a Mouse:
1. You can click on the "Contents" tab to go to the Table of Contents for the on-line manual; or
2. You can click on the "Find" tab to build and use the Help Search Engine to use in searching the topics for specific words or phrases.
Using the Keyboard:
1. Press the "Tab" key until the "Index" tab is selected (the label will be enclosed in a dotted-line box).
2. Use the right and left arrow keys to move to one of the other two tabs.
3. Use the tab key to select the first item in the Table of Contents. Or enter a word or phrase to Find.
Table of Contents: Click on the "Contents" tab and you will see the Table of Contents for the on-line manual:
The manual is organized into Books and Topics, with each Book containing a number of topics and, in some cases, Books of sub-topics.
· You can open a Book either by double-clicking on it or by using your up and down arrow keys to select it and pressing "Enter" to open it. Another way to open a book is to single-click on it to select the book, and then click on the "Open" button.
· You can also display a topic by double-clicking on it or by using your up and down arrow keys to select it and pressing "Enter" to open it. Another way to display a topic is to single-click on it to select the topic, and then click on the Display button.
Once again you can click on any of the colored, underlined words and you will go to more information about that word or phrase. (Or you can use your "Tab" key to high-light each link in turn, and press "Enter" when you come to the term that you want more information about.)
You can then return to the original topic by clicking on the "Back" button (or by holding down the "Alt" button and pressing "B").
To return to the Table of Contents, click on the "Help Topics" button (or hold down the "Alt" key and press "T").
From there you can look up another Table of Contents topic by repeating the above steps, or:
Using a Mouse:
1. You can click on the "Index" tab to go back to the Index; or
2. You can click on the "Find" tab to build and use the Help Search Engine (see below) to use in searching the topics for specific words or phrases.
Using the Keyboard:
1. Press the "Tab" key until the "Contents" tab is selected (the label will be enclosed in a dotted-line box).
2. Use the right arrow key to move to one of the other two tabs.
3. Use the tab key to select the first item in the Index list. Or enter a word or phrase to Find.
Help Search Engine: The first time you click on the "Find" tab a Windows wizard will guide you through the process of building a search engine database:
You will only need to do this the very first time you use the "Find" tab in the Help system. As the database is created, a small window displays:
On most computers, the database will be created in a few seconds, and from then on using the search "Find" function will take you directly to the next screen:
· Once you have built the database, clicking on the "Find" tab will take you to a screen where you can type in a word or phrase. Press "Enter" and the help system will then display all of the topics that contain the phrase.
· You can double-click on a topic to display one of the topics in the list (or hold down the "Alt" key and type "C" to go to the list, use your down-arrow key to select a topic, and then press "Enter" to display it).
Once again you can click on any of the colored, underlined words and you will go to more information about that word or phrase. (Or you can use your "Tab" key to high-light each link in turn, and press "Enter" when you come to the term that you want more information about.)
You can then return to the original topic by clicking on the "Back" button (or by holding down the "Alt" button and pressing "B").
To return to the Help Search Engine, click on the "Help Topics" button (or hold down the "Alt" key and press "T").
From there you can search for another word or phrase by repeating the above steps, or:
Using a Mouse:
1. You can click on the "Index" tab to go back to the Index; or
2. You can click on the "Contents" tab to go to the Table of Contents for the on-line manual.
Using the Keyboard:
1. Press the "Tab" key until the "Index" tab is selected (the label will be enclosed in a dotted-line box).
2. Use the left arrow key to move to one of the other two tabs.
3. Use the tab key to select the first item in the list of either the Contents or Index.
Other Options when you are Displaying a Topic:
While you are displaying a topic, WorkWORLD's Help/Information system offers all of the standard Windows help features. The more useful features found on the Help window menu and not explained above are:
Print: This allows you to print out the displayed help topic. From the keyboard, use Alt+P.
Annotate: You find this by first selecting "Edit". From the keyboard use Alt+E, then A. It lets you add a note to a help topic if you want to be reminded later of something related to the topic.
Bookmark: You can give a topic an easy-to-remember name (if you think you'll want to refer to it often) by first selecting "Bookmark" and then "Define" from the resulting drop-down box. From the keyboard use Alt+M, then D. After that, whenever you click on "Bookmark" or type Alt+M while the Help window has focus, the name you gave the topic will appear in a numbered drop-down list.
Keep Help on Top: Find this by first clicking on "Options", or type Alt+O, then K. It is handy if you want the help topic to remain visible while you follow its instructions. If you want this behavior, select On Top or type O after opening the slide-out menu by typing Alt+O followed by K. The Default is Not on Top.
Display History Window: Find this by clicking on "Options" or using Alt+O then D. It gives you a list of all the help topics you've looked since you opened WorkWORLD and allows you to go back to any of them listed.
Font: Find this by clicking on "Options". It allows you to make the help font size "Large", "Normal" or "Small". The default is "Normal". From the keyboard, use Alt+O, then L, N, or S for large, normal, or small.
Help: Selecting this yields one drop-down item named Version. Choosing Version displays the Help Information system version, which should match the version of WorkWORLD you have. From the Keyboard use Alt+H, then type V.
If you want further information on these options, consult your Windows help system or a Windows manual.
Use this type of help for definitions and explanations of terms and phrases used in the questions. To access question-specific help:
1. Click inside an answer box for the question of interest to reveal the "More Info…" button. Or, from the keyboard, use the navigation hotkeys -- Alt + Up Arrow, Alt + Down Arrow, Alt + Right Arrow, and Alt + Left Arrow for Up, Down, Right and Left -- to scroll to the appropriate answer box.
2. Click the "More Info…" button (or hold down the "Alt" key while you type "M"), or use the F1 function key, to display a definition for, or explanation of, the question you were trying to answer:
You may jump to linked topics or access any of the general help functions as explained above in the General Help System section.
Click the "X" in the top right-hand corner of the help screen (the Windows "close" button) or press "Esc" to close help and return to the questions:
Or, you can minimize help and return to the questions by Clicking on the Windows "minimize" button in the top right-hand corner of the help screen:
If you have minimized the help screen, you can make it pop back up later by clicking on its icon at the bottom of the screen in the Windows task bar:
To continue answering questions: Either left-click on the answer with your mouse, or press the "Tab" key two or three times to highlight the current answer. (Highlighting the answer allows you either to accept the current entry by pressing Enter or to choose a different answer).
Use this type of help for definitions and explanations of terms and phrases used in the Text Results. To access results-specific help, your view must be set to show outputs, and the Text Results screen must be selected.
For a full-screen view of the outputs:
Using a mouse, Click the "Maximize Outputs" icon:
Or from the keyboard, hold down the "ALT" key and type "V" to open the View dropdown menu from the main menu, then type "O" to select Outputs:
For a partial-screen view of the outputs along with inputs:
Using a mouse, Click the "View both Inputs and Outputs" icon:
Or from the keyboard, hold down the "ALT" key and type "V" to open the View dropdown menu from the main menu, then type "N" to select Inputs and Outputs:
To select the Text Results screen once the View shows outputs:
Using a mouse, click the "Text Results" tab at the bottom of the output screen:
Or from the keyboard, hold down the "Alt" key and type "T" to enter the Text Result section:
Finally, to access results-specific help:
Click the "More Information" link at the end of any Recommendation, Alert or Note. Or, from the keyboard, use the Tab key to move the cursor to the correct situation. Then use your arrow keys to move the cursor onto the appropriate "More Information" link and press "Enter". An example of this type of link is the blue text at the bottom of the Alert shown below:
This displays a definition and/or explanation for the result. You may view other help topics or return to the results. You may jump to linked topics or access any of the general help functions as explained above in the General Help System section.
Click the "X" in the top right-hand corner of the help screen (the Windows "close" button) or press "Esc" to close help and return to the text results:
Or, you can minimize help and return to the text results by Clicking on the Windows "minimize" button in the top right-hand corner of the help screen:
If you have minimized the help screen, you can make it pop back up later by clicking on its icon at the bottom of the screen in the Windows task bar:
Note: You may jump to certain spots in this topic above by clicking on the links below:
Click here to return to the beginning of the topic.
Click here to go to General Help.
Click here to go to Question-specific Help.
Click here to go to Results-specific Help.
WorkWORLD™ Help/Information System
Share/Save: Click the button or link at left to select your favorite bookmark service and add this page.
This is one topic from the thousands available in the WorkWORLD™ software Help/Information System.
Complete information about the software is available at: http://www.WorkWORLD.org
See How to Get WorkWORLD page at: http://www.WorkWORLD.org/howtogetWW.html
NOTE: Sponsored links and commercial advertisements help make the WorkWORLD™ website possible by partially defraying its operating and maintenance expenses. No endorsement of these or any related commercial products or services is intended or implied by the Employment Support Institute or any of its partners. ESI and its partners take no responsibility for, and exercise no control over, any of these advertisements or their views or contents, and do not vouch for the accuracy of the information contained in them. Readers are cautioned to verify all information obtained from these advertisements prior to taking any actions based upon them. The installed WorkWORLD software does not contain advertisements of any kind.
Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, Virginia Commonwealth University. All rights reserved.