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WorkWORLD Logo: Empowerment through Decision Support Technology. Employment Support Institute, Virginia Commonwealth University.

Open a Saved File

There are three ways to open a previously saved file:

1.        When starting WorkWORLD, at the opening splash screen, click on the text button labeled "Open Existing File"(or use the Tab key to move the focus box around "Open Existing File" and then hit the Enter key to select it):

  Screenshot of Open Existing File button from WorkWORLD opening splash screen. or Depiction of keyboard key Tab., Depiction of keyboard key Enter.

2.        From within WorkWORLD, use the Main Menu. Click on "File" and then "Open…" (or hold down "Alt" and type "F" and then "O"):

  Screenshot of File item on main menu, showing resulting drop down menu with Open... item highlighted. or Depiction of keyboard key Alt. + Depiction of keyboard key letter F., Depiction of keyboard key letter O.

3.        From within WorkWORLD, use the Toolbar. Click on the "Open File" icon (the 2nd icon from the left in the Toolbar - a person holding an open folder):

  Screenshot of the Open File button found on the WorkWORLD toolbar, represented by an orange figure carrying an open yellow file folder with a black curved arrow on the background of the icon.

After using one of the three methods listed above, a dialogue box will pop up, giving you the file name, consultant name, customer name, and customer SSN for each of your saved files you may select:

 Screenshot of file Open combo box, showing one highlighted file in lists of all files, with focus and mouse pointer on Open button.

Highlight the file you want to open by clicking on it with the mouse and then click on "Open".

NOTE: As a shortcut, you can also double-click (using the left mouse button) on the file name instead of using the "Open" button.

From the keyboard, use the arrow keys to move to the file you want opened, then press "Enter":

 Depiction of keyboard key arrow left. Depiction of keyboard key arrow up. Depiction of keyboard key arrow down. Depiction of keyboard key arrow right., Depiction of keyboard key Enter.

During the time your computer takes to open the file, the Windows hourglass will display on your screen. After the file is completely opened, the hourglass will disappear and your normal pointer will be displayed.

To cancel, click on "Cancel" (or hold down "Alt" and type "C").

NOTE: You can sort on any of the columns (File Name, Consultant Name, Customer, or SSN) to make it easier for you to find or keep track of the cases listed. To sort, simply click on one of the column headings. Each time you click, you toggle the direction of the sort from ascending to descending. For instance, the first click on the File Name heading will list all your cases alphabetically from A to Z. If you click the heading again, the cases will be listed from Z to A.

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