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FIP Time Limits - Iowa

Under the federal welfare reform law of 1996, all states must limit the time that a family can receive cash assistance to a total of 60 months. In Iowa, the 60-month limit applies to Family Investment Program (FIP) assistance. The 60-month period need not be consecutive. For example, if a family receives FIP assistance for two years, then goes off FIP and comes back on FIP a year later, the family could still receive FIP assistance for three more years.

The 60-month limit applies to the adult in the family. "Adult" for the purpose of the 60-month limit means the adult or minor parent head of the household (regardless of whether the parent is included in the FIP grant with the Child). Note: For the purpose of the 60-month limit, an incapacitated stepparent who is on the grant with the child of the FIP parent is considered the same as a parent. When the parent as defined in this paragraph has received FIP assistance for 60 months, the entire family is no longer eligible for FIP.

Exceptions to the 60 month limit: FIP assistance an adult recipient previously received as a child (as defined by FIP policy), or when on Supplemental Security Income (SSI), is not counted toward the 60-month limit. (Note: In 2-parent families, both parents must be on SSI for the family to be excluded from the 60-month FIP limit.)

Also, FIP assistance that a non-parental caretaker (e.g., a grandparent, an aunt or uncle) receives for a child when the caretaker is not on the FIP grant with the child is not counted toward the 60-month limit. When the non-parental caretaker is on the FIP grant with the child, only the caretaker is removed from the FIP grant at the end of the 60-month period. FIP assistance may continue for the nonparental child.

NOTE: The 60-month limit only applies to FIP assistance. Thus, families whose FIP ends at the end of their 60-month period may still qualify for assistance from other programs such as food stamps, Medicaid, or child care assistance.

See also:

·     Non-Financial FIP Eligibility Criteria

·     Financial FIP Eligibility Criteria

·     FIP Overview

·     Welcome and Introduction to Benefits in Iowa

Source: Iowa DHS Employees’ Policy Manual

Title 4, Family Investment Program (FIP)

·     Chapter C, Nonfinancial Eligibility, Limit on FIP Assistance

Legal reference: 441 Iowa Administrative Code 41.25(7)

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