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Family Independence Program - Time Limits, Exemptions, and Extensions - South Carolina

The amount of time a family may receive Family Independence Program (FIP) benefits is limited to no more than 24 months out of 120 months and for no more than 60 months in a lifetime.

Any month or months during which an individual is exempt from the 24-month time limit will not count against either the State or Federal time limit.

Families are exempt from the time limit when:

·      the head of the household is mentally or physically disabled

·      the head of the household is providing full-time care for a disabled individual who requires full-time care in the home as verified by a physician's statement

·      the parent (both parents in a two parent household) of the child for whom the assistance is received is under the age of 18 and has not completed high school

·      the adult head of the household is not the parent of a child and is not included in the benefit group

·      the adult head of the household is providing a home and caring for a child that the State has determined to be abandoned by his or her parents and for whom the alternative placement is foster care

·      child care or transportation is not reasonably available for employment and training purposes

Extensions to the 24-month State time limit will be granted according to the following rules and criteria, which the State will explain to the recipient when he or she signs the Individualized Self-Sufficiency Plan (ISSP):

·      extension of up six months if the individual is involved in an approved training program that will not be completed by the 24th month

·      extension of up to 12 months if the individual has completed training and has complied with the Individualized Self-Sufficiency Plan (ISSP) by seeking all available employment and following up on all local employment opportunities known to the Employment Security Commission and is cooperating fully with all State agencies in order to strive to become gainfully employed but is unable to obtain or maintain employment

·      extension at the end of the 24-month time limit for up to six months on a month-by-month basis when permission is granted by the County Director.

If the family fails to comply with the extension criteria without good cause, the case will be terminated.

Also see:

Family Independence Program - Change Reporting Requirements

Family Independence Program - Employment and Training Requirements

Family Independence Program - Employment Retention and Advancement

Family Independence Program - Overview

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