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VA Disaster Assistance - ABD Income Exclusion - Medicaid

This topic addresses disasters declared by the President of the United States of America. There are no specific instructions or exclusions addressing other disasters.

The value of disaster-related support and maintenance in cash or in kind is excluded from countable income in determining eligibility for Medicaid in the Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) Covered Groups if:

·             The individual lived in a household which he or she (or he/she and another person) maintained as his/her or their home at the time a catastrophe occurred in the area; and

·             The individual stopped living in his/her home because of the catastrophe and began to receive support and maintenance within 30 days after the catastrophe; and

·             The individual receives support and maintenance while living in a residential facility maintained by another person. A residential facility is to be interpreted broadly, including a private household, a shelter, or any other temporary housing arrangement resorted to because of the disaster.

Assistance (other than support and maintenance described above) is excluded from countable income without regard to the above restrictions. This includes assistance to repair or replace the individual's own home or other property, and disaster unemployment assistance.

NOTE: See FEMA Assistance for information about emergency food and shelter assistance provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

See Also:

Aged, Blind and Disabled Income Exclusions

Countable Income

Back to:

VA Medicaid Eligibility

VA Medicaid Covered Groups

VA Medicaid Overview

VA Benefit Information System Welcome and Introduction


Information for this topic was drawn from Chapter S08 of the Department of Social Services (DSS) Medicaid Manual.

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