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Export a Case File - Overview


NOTE: This topic provides an overview of the export process available in WorkWORLD. After you read this, see the "Export a Case File - Operation" topic for a detailed explanation of how to use this tool.


WorkWORLD allows you to conveniently put all the data you entered for a single case in an external case file. This file is much smaller than the internal database that WorkWORLD uses for storage and manipulation of all program questions, answers, and data. You can easily copy the resulting external file on a diskette or attach it to an email message.

The corresponding feature of exporting a case in WorkWORLD is, naturally, importing a case file. This feature allows you to read the data contained in an external file and bring it into the internal WorkWORLD database. You can then view or update the imported case like any other case you have saved.

Data Backup

Another use of the Export feature is to make backup copies of the cases you enter into WorkWORLD. You can easily make copies of all of your cases in one simple procedure, which can later be used to import and reload the cases should you experience computer problems (such as a malicious computer virus or a severe "crash").

Remember that in case your computer fails, it will be relatively easy to reload its application programs, such as WorkWORLD, from the original CD it came on or by downloading a new copy of the program. Without a backup copy of the data, you will have to reenter each of your cases manually, one item at a time. With a backup copy, you can restore all your cases in one simple procedure.

You should get into the habit of periodically making and saving copies of your case files. Store the backup media in a safe place.

TIP: You can easily make a backup copy of all your cases in one simple procedure by clicking the Select All button when selecting cases during Export.


The critical concept to understand about external case files is that they contain all the data for all the situations of one single case in a portable format that makes it easy to copy electronically. This allows you to share cases with other WorkWORLD users, make backup copies of cases, copy case files back and forth between your laptop and desktop computers, or share interesting or problem cases with Technical Support personnel. External case files are given the same name that they had within WorkWORLD, and use the file extension .ECF.

You can create the external case files on any of your computer drives that you can normally write to. This means you can save the files in new or existing folders on hard disks, floppy disks, and Zip, LS-120, or other extended capacity drives. If your computer has a tape, CD-R, or CD-RW drive, you may also be able to save the files on it if Windows (and WorkWORLD) is able to directly access the drive. On some computers these types of drives are controlled by special software that prevents Windows and/or WorkWORLD from using them directly.

Jump to the "Export a Case File - Operation" topic for a detailed explanation of how to use this tool.

NOTE: Confidentiality and Personal Identifiers

As the end-user of WorkWORLD, you must determine what policies and procedures are appropriate, necessary, or required to maintain and comply with any confidentiality, privacy, and data collection guidelines that may be applicable in your situation.

See the topic "Confidentiality and Personal Identifiers " for more information.

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