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WorkWORLD Logo: Empowerment through Decision Support Technology. Employment Support Institute, Virginia Commonwealth University.

Veterans' Services - Labor Service Position Preference- Massachusetts

There is no exam required for veterans applying for labor service positions. Massachusetts Veterans, whether disabled or not, are placed at the top of the eligibility list. Spouses and single parents are placed below veterans, but above all other applicants.

Contact Information

Human Resource Division
One Ashburton Place, 2nd-3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02108

(617) 727-6215
Fax: (617) 727-4917

See also:

Veterans' Services - Civil Service Employment Exam Preference- Massachusetts

Veterans' Services - Civil Service Employment Veteran's Interest Cards - Massachusetts

Veterans' Services - Eligible Veterans - Massachusetts

Veterans' Services - Veterans' Rights - Massachusetts

Veterans' Services - Local Veterans' Agents - Massachusetts

Veterans' Services - Overview - Massachusetts


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