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Rent to Owner

The "Rent to Owner" is a term used by HUD in the Housing Choice Tenant-Based Voucher Program, not in other Section 8 programs. (The comparable term in other programs is "contract rent.")

The Rent to Owner is the total monthly rent payable to the owner under the lease for the unit. It consists of the Family Rent to Owner that you must pay plus the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) to the owner by the PHA. Rent to Owner covers payment for any housing services, maintenance and utilities that the owner is required to provide and pay for.

It is different from the contract rent in other Section 8 programs in that the Rent to Owner is not set by the PHA, but rather is decided in a negotiation between you and owner. The amount you negotiate as the Rent to Owner, however, must be approved by the PHA as reasonable. And the Rent to Owner must not be so high that your family share would exceed the Maximum Family Share. (You can request PHA help in negotiating the Rent to Owner, and the PHA is required by HUD to provide such assistance.)

See Family Rent to Owner for details about how the rent you have to pay is calculated.

See Also:

Tenant Rent (for other Section 8 programs)

Tenant-Based & Project-Based Voucher & Certificate Overview


Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): 24CFR982.506 – 509

Back to:

Section 8 Housing Overview

Federal Rent Assistance

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